Your Decision Making Process Comic Strip


We have reviewed the Consumer Decision Making Process and now you will be creating Your Decision Making Process Comic Strip.


You will be creating a Comic Strip depicting the series of steps you go through when making a purchase. Your comic strip will have 8 boxes to tell your story. You can pick any product you would like.


You will create a rough draft of your decision making process first on a legal sheet of paper and submit it to me. Once your Comic Strip has been approved you will be given a larger piece of construction paper to finalize the Comic Strip.

After you have completed your comic strip and you have depicted the five steps a consumer will go through when making a purchase, you can complete the write up. In your write up, please explain what is happening in each of the boxes of your comic strip.

You can complete the Comic Strip on the provided paper, and complete your Write up below. I will collect the rough draft and construction paper final version of your comic strip.


Write up

Box #1


Box #2


Box #3


Box #4


Box #5


Box #6


Box #7


Box #8



Your Decision Making Process Comic Strip Rubric


Comic Strip

Comic correctly uses all five steps of the model     (20 Pts.)

Comic correctly uses 3-4 steps of the model         (12-16 Pts.)

Comic correctly uses 1-2 steps of the model         (4-8 Pts.)

Comic incorrectly uses all five steps                     (0-5 Pts.)                                     ___________


At least eight boxes are completed                    (20 Pts.)

Less than eight boxes are completed                    (2-18 Pts.)        ___________


Comic is well developed and makes sense            (20 Pts.)

Comic makes sense but has limited development   (15 Pts.)

Comic does not make sense                                 (10 Pts.)        ___________


Comic is visually pleasing and uses multiple colors      (20 Pts.)                                                

Comic is visually disorganized and uses few colors      (15 Pts.)

Comic uses little to no colors                                     (10 Pts.)        ___________

Write up


Each box of comic is correctly explained on the Write up sheet. (20 Pts.)                                                                (20 Pts.)

Each box of the comic is explained but not all boxes are explained in detail                                                              (15 Pts.)

Some of the boxes are not explained                        (10 Pts.)

None of the boxes of the comic are explained            (0 Pts.)        ___________

Comic Grade: ____________________________________________________  


Now that you have a completed your own Consumer Decision Making Process by creating the comic strip you will have a greater understanding of the process.