Third Grade Science: Aquatic Food Chain



You have been learning about the aquatic food chain. Their are so many creatures in the ocean. we have only talked about a handful! Take this time to explore some of the we haven't touched on. Their may be an animal in the sea that you love and we never talked about them. This week you will have fun putting together two assignments! hope you have enjoyed the chapter of the different food chains we have learned. And it is sad to say this will be the last one in our lesson. Below is a video to refresh your memory on what we have learned about the aquatic food chain.



Wild kratts video:



Imagine you are a Marine Biologist...

You have a group of students coming to your job to learn about the aquatic food chain an ecosystem. you are to get together these assignments together for visit...

Here is a fun game to play: 

Open the link to see the different types of fish that are in the Sea*LiFE food chain.  When you are done,  name the type that eats plants and the type that eats meat. How about the type that eat like humans.





This is going to be a two part assignment!

1.The Aquatic Food Pyramid-

              What you will need for this assignment:

                                 * The two pages printed out below; this would be the food

                                    pyramid and the marine animals that have been supplied.

                                 * You will also need: glue, scissors, and a blue ball point pen.

               Make the pyramid as it says; you will then cut out the creatures on the

               following page and glue them in the area they belong on the pyramid.

2. Your favorite Aquatic Animal-                                                           

                You will need to find an aquatic animal of your choice

                                   *  Write about the animal

                                                            *Describe it

                                                            *What does it eat

                                                            *Is it someone’s food as well in the ocean?

                                                            *Draw a picture of the animal you choose

Have Fun!

Assignments due Friday!

Click on the link for the print out:

 Click on link for the pyramid print out:




Here is a word search for fun! if you print it out and turn it in completed, you will recieve an extra 15 points! 

Categories Excellent (4) Good (3) Almost (2) Not Yet (1)
1. Student can describe an animal in the aquatic ecosytem Student has an exceptional understanding of an animal in the aquatic ecosystem Student has a clear understanding of an animal in the aquatic ecosystem student has an understanding of an animal in the aquatic ecosystem Student is unable to describe an animal in the aquatic ecosystem
3. Student can identify where the aquatic ecosystem is located Student has an exceptional understanding of where the aquatic ecosystem is located Student can identify the area that aquatic ecosytem is located Student has a general idea of where the aquatic ecosystem is located Student does not know where the aquatic ecosystem is located
4. Student can identify what the climate of the aquatic ecosystem is like  Has an exceptional understanding of what the climate is like in the aquatic ecosystem Student can give examples of what the climate of the aquatic ecosystem is like Student has a general idea of what the climate of the aquatic ecosystem is like Student does not know what the climate of the aquatic ecosystem is like
Student can describe what food their animal eats Has an exceptional understanding of what food their animal eats Student can give examples of certain foods their animal eats Student has a general idea of what food their animal eats Student does not know what food their animal eats
 Student can identify what type of vegetation exists in the aquatic ecosystem Student has an exceptional understanding of the types of vegetation in the aquatic ecosystem Student can give examples of vegetation that exists in the aquatic ecosystem Student has a general idea of the types of vegetation that exist in the aquatic ecosystem Student does not know what types of vegetation exists in the aquatic ecosystem
Pyramid Project Student was able to glue all of the aminals to the correct spot of the pyramid Student was able to glue most of the animals in the correct spot of the pyramid Student had trouble gluing the animals to the correct spot of the pyramid Student was not able to glue the correct animals to the correct spots on the pyramid

Now that we have explored the aquatic ecosystem we are able to describe: What types of animals live in this ecosystem, what our animals eat, and if any of the animals eat other animals in our ecosystem. There are so many types of animals that live in this ecocsystem and some of you may have even found out that your favorite animal lives in this ecosystem. We have also learned that the animals that live in our ecosystem are salt water animals and that they would not be able to survive in fresh water like the goldfish in our homes can. There are so many fun things to learn about the ocean and the animals that live in the ocean.


Introduction- Lakyn , Alyssa (video)

Task- Mckinley

Process- Lakyn

Evaluation- Alyssa

Conclusion- Alyssa