Where does pollution come from and where does it go?


After our active brainstorming session, we discovered that while we have heard the word pollution, some of us are unsure what it is or where it comes from.  Some of us knew more about pollution, but may still be unsure what it looked like or where it goes in our environment.

We know that pollution is destroying our world. Our land, air and water is in jeopardy if the amount of pollution on our planet continues to increase. Throughout this webquest you and your partner will become experts in the topic of pollution on our world.


Your Mission:

Your new job is at a company called "GreenEarth Environmental Society" as a public communication consultant.  You are required to inform the local community about pollution.

Your task is to research pollution through this WebQuest, and discover the answers to the following questions:

  1. What is pollution?
  2. What are the three main types of pollution?
  3. Where does pollution come from?
  4. Where does pollution go?
  5. How has pollution impacted our local Tasmanian environment?
  6. What can we do to help decrease pollution?

Once you have finished with your research, you will work in groups of 4 to interview and record your findings and discoveries.

It's time to get exploring!



You and your partner will work together to discover the answers to the research questions.  You both need to help with the research, and both need to record your own answers on the research form.

Follow each step below


1. What is pollution?



  • What is pollution? Record on your sheet.


2. What are the three main types of pollution



  • What did you discover? Record on your sheet.


3. Where does pollution come from?



  • What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?
  • Where did the rubbish come from? Where does it go?
  • What else did you discover?
  • Record on your sheet



  • What did you find out through these report findings?
  • How do you feel about this? Record.


4. Where does pollution go?



  • What did you discover about pollution? 
  • How do you feel about this? Record.


5. How has pollution impacted our local Tasmanian environment?


  • Have a look at this short film about Tasmanian sealife



  • What did you discover about our local environment? 
  • How do you feel about this?


6. What are some things that can be done to help decrease pollution?


  • Watch this video:


  • Think about everything you have learnt in this research:
  • What are some examples you could apply in your own life to protect our environment from pollution?
  • Why should we care about pollution? Record.


You have finished your research!

Once you have provided detailed answers for each question, you will work in groups of 4 to interview, record and upload your video report to SeeSaw. Go to 'Evaluation' page now.


Success Criteria







Research completion







Task Presentation







Information and facts







Spelling and grammar








You have completed your task and will share your work with your boss and co-workers.

Through all of your hard work and effort, you have become an expert in pollution.  Pollution can impact all living things on Earth and can cause serious damage to our air, land and water. 

Let's work together to keep our Earth clean.

We can make a difference!

Teacher Page

"What is pollution and where does it come from?" is a WebQuest designed for formative assessment of students ability to locate and analyse information for a research purpose.  Supporting students in their inquiry project,

Content Descriptors:

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This WebQuest supports students to independently research the different types of pollution, its causes, effects and possible solutions.  A key part of this WebQuest is the final assessment task which requires students to develop a poster or narrative text to communicate their key messages of pollution to the local community. This presentation should be at Year 2 level and include interesting and supportive facts.

In order to assess these presentations, a rubric highlighting the success criteria has been created to guide students.  Students need to be familiar with searching for information on the internet, using a graphic organiser to record their findings, and creating a presentation or written piece of work.