World War 2


Hello students, Today we will be looking at WW2 and the after affects of the war on Eroupe.


Students will be sent to different websites To answer questions over worof War.


1. What started WW2?

2. Which side was the United States on? Why did they enter the war?

3.With almost 70 million Dead during WW2 would you consider this war the worst war in human history? Why?

4. survey the website go to the timeline and look at the dates.

5.whats your thoughts on WW2, how do you feel about the events that went on. Explain what you think of when you hear of WW2. Has this web quest changed your thoughts? Explain 


Has your feelings of WW2 changed? Explain in a few sentences what you think of the war now? Did any of the facts or event shock you or did you learn antything new?


WW2 was one of bloodest events of human history, the facts so us just how bloody it was. there has never been a war like it. We most always learn from the past so we dont ever repeat it.