Work Station 2: Print Media in English - His master's voice: who pays and who profits from media?



Catch the learner's interest with a punchy task title and stipulate the benefits of dealing with this task.


Read the following text

Roy Greenslade: Why print newspapers remain the dominant media power in Britain 

 1. Take a look at the power point presentation.

Insert link to the internet page / or revise if the material doesn't fit the objectives.

2. Describe two kinds of British media and make a list of the different subcategories

3. Compare the different types of newspapers concerning content, quality, target group and owner ship. 

Needs some  kind of task to offer insight into the "specialities" of two different papers.


Work in Progress


Work in Progress

After having worked on this topic you will be able to give a rough account of print media in the UK, outlining the major quality papers and at least two broad sheets and point out their mission.

At the example(s) of at least one or two very differing papers you can relate and exemplify how mission, money and message go together: He who pays the piper calls the tune.

You will be able to take on the role of a senior member of staff identifing strongly with the mission of "your" paper or magazine and keep your stick-to-itiveness at a ficticious editorial meeting, which is the  main task of the WebQuest Defending Democratic Rights: Freedom of Speech in the aftermath of attacks on Charlie Hebdo.


Credits & Reference

(still work in progress Mar 21, 2015)

This Web Quest ist part of a larger web project which has been created by  D. Fischer and N. Elzer,  In-Service-Teacher-Trainees of the course Fachseminar Englisch /Mai 14-15, Lecturer: M.Teichmann / Zentrum für schulpraktische Lehrerausbildung Solingen Gy/Ge.

Feedback,encouragement and criticism send to


Picture at Introduction page (will be contributed )

Roy Greenslade: Why print newspapers remain the dominant media power in Britain, The Guardian. Feb 16, 2015…- dominant-media-power-in-britain 

Teacher Page

Anforderungsbereich 1: Point out why the print media remain such a dominant power in Britain

Anforderungsbereich 2:Analyse the stylistic elements which give this newspaper article credibility and underline the appalling side of the newspapers power.

Anforderungsbereich 3: Write a twitter post to show your dismay that newspapers have such a dominant power. Make suggestions what could be done to devide the power of newspapers.