What if....


Introduce yourself to your partner tandem. Talk about yourself, family, work and hobbies. You have 8 min in total for both presentations; each of you have 4 min to speak in your second language.

After the personal introduction, please agree whether when using your second language you want to be corrected by your partner when speaking or writing. Bear in mind that correction does not imply negative feedback but constructive and positive one. 


task 1- Please, watch this video (as many times as you need):

what is it about? do you know any player/football team? You have 4 min to discuss, remember to use your L2 equally.

what is the sports journalist talking about? does he talk about the past, the present...?how does he express it?

task 2- Once you both agree which tense is repeated in the video, help to each other to look for its structure and conditions on the internet and discuss. Here you have few useful websites:



Timing to carry out this task is 6 min; remember to use both languages.


Task 3: you have been given the duty to write an article for the most famous sport newspaper in your country. Choose a famous football player and write a text about how his life would have changed if he had not played football. 

This is a written task, please use the written chat on Skype to write the article.

