Welcome, Patriotic People!


 Welcome, boys and girls of the second grade!

Are you prepared to go on a learning adventure? Today we're going to learn all about the sites and symbols that represent the United States. Can you think of one? If you can't - it's Okay.

We're going to go all throughout the U.S. together with just the click of a mouse and soon you'll be experts! Happy learning!

Throughout your travels - make sure you fill out your Travel Diary so you are able to keep track of all the different sites you have visited.



That's Uncle Sam's nephew and HE WANTS YOU! ...To show him around.

Our first stop is Washington, D.C.

There you will see lots of American symbols and songs that Americans sing to honor our country. You'll even see where the President lives!

As you visit each site, jot down your experiences in the Travel Diary provided by your teacher.

Remember to have fun!

Important Questions to Consider:

Step 1: Visit all of the famous sites/symbols by clicking on the link in the "Process" tab.

Step 2: List all of the important sites/symbols.

Step 3: Choose one site you would like to visit some day and explain why.

Step 4: Choose one symbol that is your favorite and explain why it is important to the U.S.

Step 5: Tell us who wrote the Star Spangled Banner.

Step 6: Share your travels and thoughts with your teacher and classmates by handing in your sheet!


Click on each of the links below to begin exploring!

The Liberty Bell

Independence Hall

The American Flag

The Bald Eagle (Watch this video to learn more!)

The White House

The Star Spangled Banner

The Statue of Liberty

The Pledge of Allegiance


Make sure you fill in your Travel Diary as you visit each site!

If you finish early (tell your teacher) and you still have some time, here is another activity you can do for extra credit points!

After coloring the picture, answer the following questions: 1) Who are the depicted presidents? 2) How did the workers begin constructing the monument? 3) What was the sculptor's name? 4) In what year was the monument completed?


Once you have visited all of the sites, we will share our responses with the class. Be ready to discuss what site you would like to visit one day and why. Also, be prepared to share what symbol was your favorite and why it is important to the U.S. If anyone completed the coloring activity - prepare yourself to show your picture to the class and the information you learned about the monument.

Teacher Page

Webquest: Designed by Sabrina A. Dxion for Grade 2 (Two)

Unit of Study: Social Studies - History

Academic Expectation: The student will create a journal to recognize images and facts of American symbols.

Core Content: SS.2.A.1.2: Utilize the media center, technology, or other informational sources to locate information that provides answers to questions about a historical topic. SS.2.C.3.2: Recognize symbols, individuals, events, and documents that represent the United States. (Taken from CPALMS)