Tobacco Use


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Tobacco is bad for you, and even most smokers will admit that it's an expensive, unhealthy, and obnoxious habit. So why do people still use it? We've all heard that cigarettes are addictive, but how addictive are they? And why do new smokers pick up the habit? What are the real consequences anyway? What can I do about it? These are some of the questions that you will tackle in this WebQuest.


How addicting is nicotine?

List three facts abou the addiction of nicotine.

How dangerous is it really?

This site takes you to the Surgeon General's fact sheets on the use of tobacco.  Choose at least one of these files to read. Using the boldface heading of each article, write a summary of what you learned.

How much does it cost to smoke?

Read the information in this article.  Then use the tobacco cost calculator to see how much it would cost you to smoke a pack a day for the next 20 years.

Toll of Tobacco

Immediate Effects

Physical Effects

Using facts from the above 3 sites, write a persuasive paragraph persuading a peer not to try their first cigarette.

What does smoking d

to your body?

 Play the game to see the effects that smoking has on your body over time.