Thomas Bailey's Life Story


My name is Thomas Bailey. I was born october 6 1999. I live in Ansonia with my mom and step dad Michelle and Marcus. I have two dogs named Gizzmo and Roxie they are little ankle biting chewuaua's. I like to play video games when im inside my house full of bordem. I go outside to hang with friends when they text me and want me to go outside and we usually go to the park play basketball and maybe football or just sit there and talk to eachother or with girls. I like leaving out of CT with family to go to other places even if we only leave ansonia to go somewhere its still fun.


I chose this image beacuse it looks really cool. Its a fast car with robotic legs and it can probably run extremly fast and run over anything because its so tall.


The category i scored highest on is intrapersonal. My thoughts about it is that its true because i do know myself very well and know all my strenghts and things like that.


Image result for Lebron jamesMy dream is to either be a NBA All-Star or NFL All-Star. I say this because these are my favorite sports and one of my goals. I would get paid alot and be famous and be really good at that. I would wanna be like Lebron for basketball and Gronkowski for football.Image result for rob gronkowski


Image result for michael jordanMy hero is Michael Jordan. He is someone i admire because he is really good at basketball and he was one of the best and is really famous.