

Happy Thanksgiving!  Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated mostly in the United States and Canada.  In the following lessons, you will learn all about the history of the Thanksgiving holiday.  Before we begin, please answer the following questions which we will discuss together in class:

1.  When is Thanksgiving?

2.  Why do you think people celebrate Thanksgiving?

3.  What foods are associated with Thanksgiving?


You will be divided into pairs (teams of two).  Each pair will research a different subject relating to Thanksgiving and will report their findings to the rest of the class.  Click on the "Process" tab in order to begin.


Team 1 - The Mayflower

Please visit the following website where you will be able to learn about the Mayflower by touring the ship and learning about the Pilgrims' journey to America.

Team 2 - The Thanksgiving Feast

Please visit the following website where you will be able to learn about the first Thanksgiving feast.  Don't forget to click on the slideshow to view pictures and learn more about the first Thanksgiving feast.

Team 3 - The Pilgrims Daily Life

Please visit the following website where you will learn about the daily life of the Pilgrims.  Don't forget to click on all of the categories: Housing, Clothes, Food, Chores, School, Games

Team 4 - The Native Americans ( The Wampanoag People)

Please visit the following website where you will learn about the daily life of the Native Americans (The Wampanoag People).  Don't forget to click on all of the categories: Housing, Clothes, Food, Chores, School, Games

Team 5 - How is Thanksgiving Celebrated Today?

Please visit the following website where you will learn how Thanksgiving is celebrated today.


Now that you have finished your research and have become experts about Thanksgiving, please type your findings in WORD.  Please use Comic Sans size 12 font.  When you have finished, please email everything to me at  Each team will share their findings with the rest of the class. 


As a final activity, I want to know: What are you thankful for?