

Many of us love to eat. Sometimes, to the point where it’s way too much. Obesity continues to rise in the CNMI and all over the world. Needless to say, the CNMI and the Pacific Regions rank as the third highest in the world.  This webquest will help you become familarized with obesity issues in the CNMI. It will also further enhance your knowledge of healthy foods and how to mange your eating for a healthy and longer life as well as helping you to understand and calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI). Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person's height and weight.  A person's BMI is one of many methods that can be used to help determine if a person is considered overweight or obese.  People who are overweight or obese are at a higher risk for chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. So grab your journals and let’s take note on the world of Supersizing!









Tasks:Task #1: Read about Obesity in the CNMI and in the Pacific. Familiarize yourself about the issue. Use the links to help you.

     * How serious is the issue of obesity in the CNMI?

     * What are some causes of obesity in the CNMI?

     * What are somethings we can do to prevent obesity in the CNMI?


Task #2: Print and fill out the worksheet provided by writing in up to 5 foods in each category of the MyPlate.


Task #3: Read more about what BMI is. Click the following links to help you.

  • BMI Wikipedia
  • BMI: Assessing Your Weight
  • Read the final document. Obesity Unit - Your task is to measure your height and weight, and calculate what your current BMI is.  Once you have calculated your BMI, you will compare your BMI to a chart to determine what range your BMI is in. Print out the last page from the unit and complete it: Worksheet #2
  • Take the Fruit or Vegetable Quiz as a pre-assessment and Print Out your Results. 
















 For Task #1: You will need the following resources to complete a reflection on Obesity in the CNMI:

Remember to base your reflection on the following questions:

     * How serious is the issue of obesity in the CNMI?

     * What are some causes of obesity in the CNMI?

     * What are somethings we can do to prevent obesity in the CNMI?


For Task #2:

  • Visit the website called Choose My Plate and familiarize yourself about the correct portions and food groups that should be on your plate. You will need this resource to complete Worksheet #1


For Task #3: You will need the following resources to complete

How to Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI)

1. Measure your height in inches.  (Make sure you are barefoot and on level ground).

2. Determine your weight in pounds (lb.). The formula for calculating BMI is:

weight (lb.) / [height (in)]^2 x 703 = BMI

For example:  If a person weighed 150 pounds, and was 5'5 (65"), there formula would be calculated as follows:

Step 1: 150 / 4225 = 0.0355  (note: 65 x 65 = 4225)

Step 2: 0.0355 x 703 = 24.9565                               

BMI = 24.96

So, looking at the chart, this person would be in the healthy weight range.


Evaluation:Grade of 4

  • Student has completed all assignments with no errors or mistakes and shows complete evidence of following the webquest process.

> Reflection

> Worksheet #1

>Worksheet # 2

> Fruit or Vegetable Quiz


Grade of 3

  • Student has completed most (3) assignments with a couple errors or mistakes (2-3) and shows evidence of following the webquest process.


Grade of 2

  • Student has only completed a few (2) assignments with a few errors or mistakes (4-5) and shows some evidence of following the webquest process.

Grade of 1

  • Student has not completed any of the assignments or has made many errors (more than 6) in the assignments. Student has no evidence of going through the webquest process.



Note: In order to determine if you have correctly calculated your BMI, please enter you height and weight that you used in the following link and press calculate:

BMI Calculator



More and more people in the world are becoming overweight and obese because of poor choices. However, there are many things that we can do to help those struggling with obesity and to prevent it as well. Knowing how to calculate your BMI is important for people wanting to live a healthy lifestyle.  For most people, the correlation between their BMI and level of body fat is fairly strong, however, correlation does vary by sex, race, age and level of fitness.  Take note:

  • At the same BMI, women tend to have more body fat than men.
  • At the same BMI, older people, on average, tend to have more body fat than younger adults.
  • Highly trained athletes may have a high BMI because of increased muscularity rather than increased body fatness.

CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed the WebQuest!