Smoking is a Bad Habit!


Do you read the newpaper?! Does someone you know watch the news?! Well, today YOU are a news reporter! Today is the start of an important mission. It is your job to educate Boynton Beach, including some people you might care for, about the dangers of smoking cigarettes!

You may have discussed addictive habits during your Social Issues Unit in reading. Smoking cigarettes is an addictive habit that affects many people.  Although a high number of people smoke, it is important to know that it is dangerous to your health. This webquest will teach you everything you need to know about the dangers of smoking and how to prevent the people you care about from becoming addicted to this bad habit. Read the prompt carefully, so you are sure of your task during your project! Goodluck NEWS REPORTERS!


The resources in this webquest discuss smoking and how it affects people who are addicted to them. Even people who don't smoke can be affected by those who smoke around them. Using the resources in this webquest, complete the following task.

You are a news reporter and have been assigned to complete a newspaper story on cigarette smoking and its dangers. Write an informative essay that describes the dangers of smoking. Include a section on how to help smokers quit. Your essay should include an introduction, multiple paragraphs and a conclusion. If you need help during your research, please see your Editor in Chief (your teacher)! But remember, you are using the attached resources to complete your assignment.

Don't forget:

-to take notes that relate to your prompt.

-to include an introduction, body and conclusion

-to include multiple sections

-to CITE EVIDENCE from the resources

-to revise and edit your piece

-you can include text features if they aide your essay

Goodluck on your research and repoting!

Signing off!


Below are the resources you will use to complete your essay. Remember to take notes on them (find TREASURE)! Please keep track of your notes and which article or video they came from, because you will need to cite from these notes when your write your news article.

Smoke Screeners Article:

Smoking Stinks Article:

Smoking- Health Hazards Article from PBS:

Brainpop Jr Video:

Brainpop Video:
