

Tunya Y. Richardson

The students will perform an experimential exercise.  This will consist of an re-enactment of Slavery.  This type of activity may be disturbing , but it will allow students to understand the reality of slave transport and how abominable the slave trade really was.  This is just a simple re-enactment.  There is so much about slavery that  has never been told or that would require much more detailed research. 

  • Why is World History and American History important?
  • Why is the knowledge of slavery relevant?

The learners are 6th grade students (Middle School).  This webquest is intented to fulfill Social Studies  and languarge arts standards.  During this assignment students will work in groups, but each student will have the opportunity to participate.  


Resources and Materials:

  • Example of slave ship
  • yarn
  • student participation

Students will be shown an example of the inside of a slave ship.  Questions and Discussions. 

Students can then volumteer to lie down, which is  more a more realistic re-enactment lying extremely close to one another.  

To represent the way slaves were chanined to one another, yarn will be lightly tied around their wrist and ankles as it during the actual time. 

Once this has been done students should remain completely quiet for at least 30 to 60 seconds. 


After students have returned to their seats we will discuss their feelings and questions.  

The follow-up questions and discussions are a very critical part of how the students processed the assignment and made a connection.

I would use a learning map as my strategy to see how well the students comprehended the activity.  This map will also allow students to express the learning differences.  

Also during this process we can point out vocabulary words.  The students can identify words that were relevant to the activity.  We can discuss the concept of each word and the meaning.  The teacher can find out from each student what one word may mean to one student where another student may have a different meaning and open up the floor for discussion.  

Learning Map:


Excellent Good Fair
Classroom Participation Each student actively participate in classroom lesson Students did not participate, but activiely observed the lesson Students did not particpate did observe, but had no feedback
Classroom Discussion Q&A Each student asked at least one question or answered at least one question or responded to other students dicussions. Students asked or answered at least one question or had some type of feedback in regards to the lesson Student acknowledged that they did observe the lesson.

This type of experimental exercise can be a difficult concept.   The concept is to help students understand what life was like in reference to todays life.  This concept also brings about dicussion as to how unfairness lead to conflicts in life, such as war.  

Teacher Page

All of the students may or may not have family members that have discussed slavery times with them.  In some cases this may be the first time that some students have even heard about slavery.  Slavery times were very critical times in history.  There is a lot about slavery that has never been told.  There is also a lot that you can learn from slavery.  There are also very important people that played a very important role in slavery and freedom.  This activity was just a very small portion of not only slavery, but history.  In your spare time doing research on slavery you may find to be very interesting in knowing about the times then as oppossed to the way times are today. 


Strand 1: PO 7 American History

Strand 2: PO 7 World History

Analyze cause and effect relationships between and among individuals and/or historical events.