Shopping Spree


4.MDA.2 Solve real-world problems involving distance/length, intervals of time within 12 hours, liquid volume, mass, and money using the four operations.

4.MDA.8 Determine the value of a collection of coins and bills greater than $1.00.

This is an assignment for a fourth grade class to help them understand real-world problems involving money and intervals of time. 


Congratulations! You and a friend have won a $1000 shopping spree that has to be completed in two hours. To get ready for this shopping spree you and your friend must be sure that you have the skills that you will need. It is important for you to understand intervals of time because you will only have two hours. You also need to be able to budget your money. Once you show mastery of these skills you will make a detailed shopping list of what you will buy. Then you will determine how long it will take you to buy these items.



At the computer:

First you need practice on intervals of time.

Watch this video to help you get a better understanding of elapsed time. Then anwser the following questions. 

1. Is the minute hand longer than the hour hand?

2. How many minutes are in an hour?

Now play this game for some more practice on elapsed time. Then anwser the following question.

3. What ghost would you have to eat in order to get from 9:00am to 12:00pm?

Now that you have mastered intervals of time it is time to practice using money.

Watch this video to help you get a better understanding of using money. Then anwser the following questions.

4. If Sally has 2 one dollar bills, 1 quarter, 1 nickle, and 3 pennies how much money does Sally have?

5. What is the sum of $4.01 and $6.45?

Now play this game for some more practice on counting money. Then anwser the following question.

6. You have 6 quarters. How many dimes do you need to reach $2.30?

7. You have 5 quarters and 2 dimes. How many pennies do you need to reach $1.45?

Now it is time to put your skills to the test.

Play this game to get a better understanding of how to use money in a store. You will be the cashier in this game. Then anwser the following question.

8. If a customer buys a tomato for 65 cents and she gives you $1.00 how much change will you give her back?

9. If a customer buys 2 bananas that are 35 cents each how much money does he owe you?

Play this game to help the Duncan family with their shopping spree.

10. Did this game help you realise how important it is to keep track of you time? Why or why not?

In the Classroom:

With your partner:

1. Go through the provided store catalogs to get an idea of what you might want to buy. You can also use this link to help you.

2. Make a list of the items you will want to buy. Make sure to include the individual cost of each item and the total cost all together. Also remember you only have $1000 to spend so you can not spend more than $1000. This list will be turned in so do your best.


Successful completion of the questions and shopping list.


CONGRATULATIONS again! You have used your knowledge of elapsed time and money skills to have a succesful shopping spree. Now you have all the items you wanted. I am so proud of your hard work that we will share your shopping list with the rest of the class.