Shapes Everywhere!


Shapes, Shapes EVERYWHERE!!

Shapes, shapes, everywhere! Lets go on a quest and discover the many shapes of this world!

In this Webquest, students will learn all about shapes in their everyday life.


To help you along your journey, you must complete these tasks: 

1. watch videos on shapes

2. understand what a 2D shape is

3. answer questions relating to the videos.

2. draw 2D shapes in the air.

3. apply your understanding of 2D shapes by observing objects in the classroom

4. keep a tally of 2D shapes found in your envorment.


Lets Get Learning!

1. Listen and watch this video on 2D shapes. Using shapes the you are given in class, lift up shapes as questions are asked to check for  understanding.

     a. Which shape can roll?

     b. Which shape has three sides?

     c. Which shape had 4 equal sides?

     d. What shape has 2 longs sides and 2 short sides?

2. Observe the video and draw the shapes in the air.

     a. What is the difference between the oval and the circle?

     b. Which shape has only has one line? 

     c. What has no straight lines? 

3. play a game to identify the shape? 

     a. What shape is the baseball?

     b. What shape is the pizza?

     c. What shape is the dice?

     d. What shape is the pillow?

 3. Apply your understanding of 2D shapes by going around the room with a partner looking for 2D shapes in the classroom and tally what shapes they find.

4. Go out into the world and observe the shapes around you. Write down what shapes you see and how many shapes you see. Click on the picture below to see examples of shapes to look out for!


Evaluation Rubric

Excellent Good








Clearly understands the concepts of 2D shapes  Shows an understanding of what 2D shapes are  Shows a small understanding of what shapes are  Does not show any udnerstanding of what shpaes are  50
Communication  Communicates with partner and shares information with others  Communicates with partner  Lacking communication but has made some attempt  Has no communication with others in the class  25



Completes activities with a 95%-100% accuracy  Completes activities with 80%-90% accuracy  Completes activities with 70%-80% accuracy  Completes activities with less than 70% accuracy  25


You traveled the world and seen its many shapes!

Job well done!

Teacher Page

K.G.2 Identify and describe a given shape and shapes of objects in everyday situations to include two-dimensional shapes (i.e., triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon, and circle) and three-dimensional shapes (i.e., cone, cube, cylinder, and sphere).

K.G.5 Draw two-dimensional shapes (i.e., square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, and circle) and create models of three-dimensional shapes (i.e., cone, cube, cylinder, and sphere).