Seven major government bureaucratic agencies


A bureaucracy is a way of administratively organizing large numbers of people who need to work together. Organizations in the public and private sector, including universities and governments, rely on bureaucracies to function. The term bureaucracy literally means “rule by desks or offices,” a definition that highlights the often impersonal character of bureaucracies. Even though bureaucracies sometimes seem inefficient or wasteful, setting up a bureaucracy helps ensure that thousands of people work together in compatible ways by defining everyone’s roles within a hierarchy.…

The term "government agency" or "administrative agency" usually applies to one of the independent agencies of the United States government, which exercise some degree of independence from the President's control. Although the heads of independent agencies are often appointed by the government, they can usually be removed only for cause. The heads of independent agencies work together in groups, such as a commission, board or council. Independent agencies often function as miniature versions of the tripartite federal government with the authority to legislate (through the issuing, or "promulgation" of regulations), to adjudicate disputes, and to enforce agency regulations (through enforcement personnel). Examples of independent agencies include the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), Federal Reserve Board, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).


◊ Create your own web quest of seven major government bureaucratic agencies.


◊ Propose a new government agency; outline its purpose and how it would help the government operate more efficiently. Also, propose to eliminate an existing agency, be sure to justify its removal.

I would add cyber security as a government agency. This would stop hackers from stealing important secrets or plans from the United States.

The Education agency should be removed. Ron­ald Re­agan him­self pitched the “de­reg­u­la­tion by fed­er­al gov­ern­ment of pub­lic edu­ca­tion” as part of the 1980 Re­pub­lic­an plat­form and its been a GOP call­ing card ever since. The Amer­ic­an Spec­tat­or in 2012 pro­posed wip­ing the de­part­ment away en­tirely and restor­ing its $68.1 bil­lion budget to off­set the de­fi­cit, while trans­fer­ring its au­thor­ity to states and loc­al agen­cies.

Promote the public good National Institutes of Health, Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Protect the nation Armed forces, Coast Guard, Central Intelligence Agency
Sustain a strong economy Federal Reserve Bank, Export-Import Bank, Securities and Exchange Commission

Government bureaucrats perform a wide variety of tasks. We often think of bureaucrats as paper-pushing desk clerks, but bureaucrats fight fires, teach, and monitor how federal candidates raise money, among other activities.

The job of a bureaucrat is to implement government policy, to take the laws and decisions made by elected officials and put them into practice. Some bureaucrats implement policy by writing rules and regulations, whereas others administer policies directly to people (such as distributing small business loans or treating patients at a veterans’ hospital). The task of running the government, and providing services through policy implementation, is called public administration.