Second Grade English- Social Studies


Halloween is a festivity that is celebrated each October 31st in the United States. Many people celebrate it by eating candy and dressing in customs. There are many things you need to discover about Halloween, in this project with the help of your classmates you will lear a lot. 

What is Halloween? Where does it come from? Why is it celebrated?


In Mexico, people celebrate Dia de los muertos, in the United States they celebrate Halloween. In groups you will find the answers to these questions and have fun while doing it!

What is Halloween? Where does it come from? Why is it celebrated?


In teams of 4 you will:

Team #1:  Find out what Halloween is?, what day is celebrated on?

Team #2: How do people celebrate it?

Team #3: Where is Halloween celebrated?

Team #4: Why do people dress up for this day?

Look for pictures about Halloween to decorate your information.

Finally, you will take turns to present your information to the classroom. The teams will share what they learned from their investigation to the whole class



Good (3 points)

Medium (2 points)

Bad(1 point)

Order of Ideas

The ideas you present to the class are clear and ordered correctly.

The ideas you present to the class are correct but not ordered correctly.

The ideas you present to the class are not related to your topic and not ordered.


You have presented your information with clearly written ideas.

You have presented your information with somewhat clearly written ideas.

Your information is not written clearly.


You can express yourself clearly and with confidence to the class.

You can barely express yourself to the class.

You cannot speak in front of others.

This is how you will be graded during this assignment, be careful to watch out for any mistakes. Good luck!


Now you have learned why Halloween is celebrated in the United States. you also know the fasinating story behind it, why people dress up in customs and the reason why it is celebrated on October 31st. 

When you go home, be sure to tell your parents and siblings the real story about Halloween and why many years ago it became a tradition to celebrate it. 



I would like to thank the school where this project will take place, Highland Bicultural School. This assignment will be used to explain the origins of the festivity we call Halloween. Since this day is a little difficult to understand to some people from Latin America, i thought it would be a fun project to do at school. Thank you so much for your support to my school. parents and students!

Teacher Fabiola Gonzalez

Teacher Page

The class of 2nd grade A and B would like to leave some pages that could be useful for students who would like to work on this topic in the future. They are: