
Our environment is constantly changing.  However, as our environment changes, so does the need to become increasingly aware of the problems that surround it.

This webquest aims to raise people's awareness of our current environmental issues.


Create a simple poster that speaks about one environmental issue the world is facing today.


DON'T PANIC! You don't have to take up on a drawing/art lesson or even a graphic design course for this one. A poster with simple drawings will do. If you are not good at drawing, you can always print out pictures and paste them together. Remember, even a poster with the simplest drawings or pictures can send a very powerful message. 

Follow the following steps:

1. Make a group of 3-4 students.

2. Check out some environmental issues the world is facing today.

Go to this website:

15 Current Environmental Problems That Our World is Facing - Conserve Energy Future

3. Check out some samples of simple posters below to give you some ideas. Think about the messages these posters convey.

4. Choose 1 environmental issue.

5. Brainstorm with your group and decide how you want your group's poster to be. Think about the message that you want to convey. Your poster doesn't have to contain a lot of words, hence, the idiom "A picture is worth a thousand words". However, you are going to present the poster to the class. So, it is wise to prepare a short speech about your poster. 


- You are going to do some peer evaluations.

- Each group is given an evaluation sheet.

- Fill it in after each group's presentation.

- When all groups have presented their posters, the class will then choose the best poster.

-The poster will be displayed on the school board. 


It is important to remember that we as humans are part of the environment. With over 6 billion of us on Earth, our combined actions have a big impact on the environment. 

Congratulations for your excellent effort to raise people's awareness of that impact. We can do things as individuals and we can find ways to work together to lessen the harm done to our earth.