Our Great Big Earth


                                         Welcome to Ms. Ramirez's class  

                                     2nd grade Social Studies 

TEKS: 2.5A, 2.6A

Have you ever stopped to look at how big our planet is? The Earth is home to more than 7 billion people ! 

Today, we will study the 2 things that make up the Earth. Can anyone tell me what those 2 elements are? 

(Hint: Look at the colors blue and green) 




If you guessed land and water you are correct! 


Humans aren't the only creatures to live on planet Earth. 

Considering that the Earth is made up of water and land, What else is able to live in the oceans and on the land? 

Which of these are land animals and which are water animals? 


Now that we know the other creatures that we share the world with lets practice learning the names of the continents and oceans. 

Study the picture below.... Look at the placement of the 7 continents. As a class, Let's practice naming them. 

What do we know about our continents? What color is used to represent the land? 

Now that we have an idea of where the continents are let's look at the different Oceans. What color are the oceans?  Which ocean/oceans surrounds North America? 

As a class we will now read a book called "Our Big Home" by Linda Glaser to help us learn a bit more about the Earth. 


                                                  All About Locations! 

Now that we are Mini Earth experts lets take a look at this game and try to place key elements in of the planet Earth. 


Bonus Challange!! 

I will call a classroom helper to help lead the students in discussion. 

Let's see if you are able to match the correct names to the places. 



We had quite an adventure! Today we learned all about the 2 elements that make up planet Earth. We also took a look at some examples of animals we share the Earth with. We were able to learn the names of the Oceans and the Continents. We have really become mini-experts of Planet Earth.  


Created by: Kristina Ramirez