Now You're in New York


You and your best friend have decided to take a trip to the city of New York! You will only be able to stay for three days, so you want to be prepared before you arrive. You won't have time to see everything, so you both have decided to virtually visit come of the the most interesting places on the island of Manhatten. That way you can prioritize your time and devise a plan for your three days in the Big Apple.

The novel, The Pigman, takes place in New York. The protagonists, John and Lorraine, are all over the city that is their home. Having an understanding of the cioty will help you better visualize where these two go.


Your task is to visit each place in the list virtually. Complete the chart, listing information about the place, such as admission, hours of operation, benefits, drawbacks, things you like about it and things you don't. After you have visited each site and completed the chart, decide as a team which ones you will have time to visit during your weekend trip and number from the most important to see down to the least important.

 #1. The Empire State Buidling

#2. New York Art Guide


#3. Statue of Liberty

#4. Grand Central Station

#5. 9/11 National Memorial & Museum

#6. Stanton Island Ferry

#7. Ghost Tours

#8. New york Zoo    

Here is a map of the city to help you!


#1. Visit each site and explore

#2. On the Art site choose the following to explore:

     A. One Play to attend

     B. One mueseum to visit

     C. One dance performsnce to see

     D. One Art show to attend

#3. Complete the chart with information about each site and event

#4. Rank the items in the order you would like to visit them. One being most important to see and the last being the least important.

#5. Create a brochuire or poster that advertises and persuades tourist to visit the top five places on your list. Make it colorful, interesting, and true!

