Media & Ethics


 I'm sorry I am out today. It was unexpected. Wear your walking shoes tomorrow, and we will start our campus tours and start generating story ideas. Skip bell work today. Everything you need is on this page. You may listen to music while you work!

Today, use the two sites below to answer the following questions. Please hand write your answers on your own sheet of notebook paper. Complete sentences are not necessary, but your answers should not be a cut and paste of the websites below. This is why you are writing your answers in your own words on your own notebook paper. When you have completed your assignment turn it into the red pocket chart on the wall, and you may work on homework from another class.

Student Press Law Center

High School Journalism


1. What is the Freedom of Information Act?

2. What is libel? List three defenses for libel.

3. What are Sunshine Laws?

4. What can be copyrighted?

5. Describe the Student Press Law Center?