Life of Hi-Hatz


My name is Tyrell. I 'm a 17 year old airsofting music producing "gaming politican." I was born in New London, CT, grew up in Stratford and moved to Ansonia for my middle and high school years. I have a burning passion for music and want to be noticed one for my sounds. I go by the Mr.Hi-Hatz as my music producing name. Another thing about is that I love anime. Anything from Toyko Ghoul to Naruto Anime is kind of like my drug. I'm currently with an airsoft team we go by the name Reaper MilSim. I'm also a die hard gaming fanatic. I Have one brother and two sisters (all are older than me.)


This picture is from one of my current favorite games right now it's called Battlefield 4. This is showing the different loadouts you could choose from. You could either go from the Assult loadout which means being on the frontlines and a part-time medic (me) or you could choose the steathly Recon sniper loadout and Pick off your enimies from a far. I find this picture amazing because it's just really the dopest pictures I've seen a gaming industry do.



After taking the test I found out that my music smarts was numer was 1 and the runner up of my my smarts was was my visual. I found my visual smart quite surprising to be honest, even though I enjoy photography and eithing photos, but yeah it was something new I learned about myself.


Where I see myself in future is going to a music College for a higher learning and hopfully having a career in musical enginnering.…


Link to Fullsail University


A person I look up to is my brother. I look up to him because he puts me on the right path, hoping for the best and making sure I don't make the same mistakes as him when he was my age.