lazaro lopez: Student


My name is lazaro lopez. I was born September 10th, 2000. I live with my Mom and Brother. My Brother is not in school anymore. 

I live in Asonia, but moved here from New York.

I'm going to high school and getting decent grades. In highschool i sing with the chorus and go to many concerts. When in graduate from highschool i plan on going to college to be a doctor.


jhigiI put this picture because the  person that did this had alot of artistic ability and because i want the to do the same or better. 


the zoo




my highest score was intrapersonal and logical. 


I think it is accurte to the person i am today.


I want to be a General Prationer when i graduate from highschool. 

Medical school


My hero is my brother because he makes his own kind of music. 

My brother is the guy on the right. His name is Ivan.