

Image result for koalas

Koalas are beautiful creatures. Today you are going to be a Koala trainer.

They are much like us and have many of the same needs.

You will find out what the everyday life of a Koala consists of.

  Have fun!


Activity 1 Reading - comprehension 

Activity 2 Art/ Crafts - oragami Kcoloa 

Activity 3 Social Studies/Geograpyhy - loacation

Activity 4 Science - daily habits 


Activity 1 Reading

Read the article on Koalas in the following link and answer the questions.


Activity 2 Art/Crafts

You will follow these steps on the page provided to create an oragami Koala.

Activity 3 Social Studies/Geography

Look up the areas where Koalas are found in the world and mark it on a map.

Activity 4 Science 

Get in groups/partners and answer the following questions on the worksheet provided.



Activity 1 Reading comprehension. Each question correct is worth 3 points.

Activity 2 Art/ Crafts oragami Koala. You get 15 points if your oragami Koala is neat and if you tried.

Activity 3 Social Studies/Geograpyhy location. Each location you mark is worth 4 points, out of 20 total points.

Activity 4 Science dailey habits. Each correct answer is worth 2 points.



Teacher Page

This webquest would be good to use in class because it is fun, yet educational. It gives them a chance to work in groups and alone. This is an assignment everyone would enjoy.