Integers: By Ian


What is an INTEGER. An INTEGER is a whole number that can not be found in a fraction.


The questions that you will need to answer are..

  • In what century were negative integers finally accepted?
  • Which cultures were the first to use negative integers and what contributes did they make?
  • When was the word integer introduced?
  • What does integer mean in Latin?
  • What is the symbol for integers, where does it come from, and what does it mean?
  • To add integers having the same sign,to add integers with different signs?
  • Explain how you determine a difference when subtracting two integers?
  • Explain how you multiply and divide integers?

An integer is a number that can be multiplyed,divided,added,or subtracted

For example 8x2=16……


I am going to be grading you on these things.

  • 50% effort
  • 20% resorces
  • 30% correct answers

Keep up the good work


I hope that i helped you learn more about integers