

Ok Preschool are we ready? This week you need to get out your tool belt, your hard hat and most importanly make sure you wear your safety glasses. Our class is going to learn how to build houses by using basic shapes like circles ,squares, and rectangles.These shapes can be seen in our homes and buildings making this unit a perfect tool for teaching basic skills in shape recognition. We will learn how important the home is , and how it is a central part of all preschoolers Lives.


The Home is a central part of all preschoolers lives. This unit will focus on what a home is and the basic needs a home serves. Children will learn about different types of homes and explore how their homes are alike or different from others. and alot of projects in this unit will cover primary shapes like squares ,rectangles,and circles.theses shapes ;will be seen in alot of the buildings making this unit a perfect tool for teaching basic skills in shape reconition Together we must answer the folling questions.

1. What type material is used to build the house you live in?

2. Is your house a one family home?

3. Is your house a muli family Home?

4. Is your house in an apartment building?

5. Who lives in your house with you?

* Task 1 After anwering the questions we can begin to find materials to create our home.

* Task 2 When our home is completed we can show how many different buildings we live in and how many shapes we used to build our home.


We went to Malden Public Library and brought books like

1. A house is a house for me by MaryAnn Hobeman

2. MY house by Lisa Dismini

3. THis the House the jack built by pam admas

4. The terrible hting htat happened at our by Marge Blaine

5.Come to the meadow by Anna Grossnicklehines

6.At grandmothers house by John Lim

Supplies  gathered to create homes.

Magaznies with pictures of houses and rooms, assorted boxes( shoe box, cerealbox, large appliance box and small appliance box), popsicle sticks, large paper, crayons, pencils, paint ,blocks, shape templates, pieces of wallpaper, masking tape.


Document how many children compled the project. Document how many children were able to learn the shape naming them on their completed project.


Congratulations! You are great builders ! You have gathered  information and materials to build great homes . You also can identify your basic shapes from doing your project. Can we build a neighborhood with all our buildings? What can we add? Are we ready to learn our complex shape names like octagon,hexagon, etc.



Massachusetts Preschool Standards.

English Lanuage Arts: 10. Relate themes and and information in books to personal experiences.

Composition: 20. Generate questions and gather information to answer  their quistions in variousways.

Shapes and Social Sense

10. Investegate and identify materials of various shapes using appropriate language

Inquiry Skills:1. Ask and seek out answers to questions about objects and events with assistance of adult.

Technolegy And Engeneering: 24.0Demonstrate and Explanation of safe and proper use of tools and materials.

Theather Arts: Use dramatic Play costumes and props to pretend to be someone else

17. Create scenaries, props, and settings for dramatic Play

Visual Arts: 18. Explore a variety of age appropriate media to create two and three demensional art to create materials and media to create two and three demensional art work

24. Use basic shapes and forms of different sizes to create art.26. create from memory or imagination.

Adaptations for Children with Disabilities.

Children with language disabilities.

Use a person to encourage /and communacate

Use a variety  of symbolsand pictures (Mayer Jonson) around the room with varios printed materials that support childrens primary languages while learning English.(Books etc.)

Teacher Page

This webquest page was created by georgette Mitza. My goal is that my preschool class have fun while they create their living place , while learning  basic shapes.