Gaspar, Melchor, y Baltasar p.52


La noche del 24 de diciembre todos los niños puertorriqueños esperan a Santa Claus. La noche del día 5 todos los pequeños salen a recoger hierba fresca que dejan en una caja debajo de la cama para los camellos que traen a los Tres Reyes Magos.


Your task for this web-quest is to go through the following websites and research information about Three Kings. Write a letter to a classmate about how you spent three kings day based on the information you learned. Include a picture from your day.…


1. Use the links given in task to research three kings day
2. After gathering information, begin writing a two paragraph letter to a classmate about how you spent three kinds day, include a picture. 


1. Out of 20 points
2. 10 points for 2 paragraphs(5 sentences per paragraph) and content in the paragraphs
3. 5 points for Spanish grammar
4. 5 points for a picture


Through this web quest, hopefully you learned about three kings day traditions. We have our own special traditions in america and three kings day is special to the Hispanic culture. 
