Famous American Project


One of the main Social Studies topics that our class has been studying this year in 3rd grade is about famous Americans.  We have learned about Paul Revere, Susan B. Anthony, Mary McLeod Bethune, Thurgood Marshall, Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Frederick Douglas, Lyndon B. Johnson and Cesar Chavez.  We have studied each individual extensively.

Have you ever imagined yourself as one of the famous Americans?!  Have you ever pretended to be one?! Today is your lucky day! 

Are you ready?! Who do you want to be?!


Students and families will create a project at home to help expand their knowledge of biographies and to learn more about people in American history.  Each student and family will do research at home using the internet, books, encyclopedias, notes from class, etc. and then create a poster board with information about their famous American.  Students will present their poster board project to the class.  If students would like, they may dress up like their famous American or create a prop that symbolizes their famous American.  This will help their classmates remember the famous American better.


Students will be expected to meet the criteria listed in the two grading rubrics.  The two rubrics are attached to use as a checklist.  One rubric includes the expectations for the poster board and the other rubric includes the expectations for the oral presentations.  Students and families, please read and review these rubrics. 


Poster boards are due on March 30th.  Presentations will be held on March 30th as well.  The project counts as the final test grade for Social Studies, so participation for this project is very important.  Please help your child remember to bring his or her poster on or before presentation day.  Also, please have your child practice "teaching" and "presenting" the presentation at home.