Diamond Quest


Where could it be? ...

Are you ready to start this jOuRnEy and finding the uLtImAtE gem?

There is a gem that is dIfFeReNt than all the rest. Hidden from the everyday person's eye. Your training and knowledge will tAkE you far.

Expect these uNiQuE gems to led you to the ...DiAmOnD... or will they?

Enjoy the aDvEnTuRe on this diamond quest!







 Each student from the group will be responsible to identify each gem by color. Your curator leader will provide you with a check off sheet that includes pictures of all the different gems from each exhibit in the museum.  Each student will also be issued assorted colors so they can correctly color in each gem on their sheet that will match the gems from  the exhibit.

As you go through each exhibit, your curator leader will tell you a little about each gem that you are viewing.  Match each gem from your sheet to the information the curator leader discusses.  This will help you learn about the different types of gems. Once you have completed all exhibits, turn in your sheet to the curator and they will pass out diplomas to the team that answers all the questions correctly about the different gems and finds the diamond.


Once this has been completed, all members of each group should have learned a great deal about gems and diamonds.


Enjoy the exhibit and even though it is a race to the finish line, it is a race to learn as much as you can from this diamond quest!!


      It is time to start your search!!!!

Go to the links at the end of each clue to find the answer! After you have discovered the answer, write your answer on a piece of paper – then compare your answers with our answers that are found on the Evaluation page. Good luck!

Locate the following gems, based on these clues:

#1 The color range on this gem varies from pale lilac to deep purple. Origin of name from the Greek -amethystos-
     Clues: http://meanings.crystalsandjewelry.com/amethyst/

#2 This gem has a dark body color due to the presence of iron and magnesium. named after Obsius, a Roman who discovered a similar stone

     Clues: http://geology.com/rocks/obsidian.shtml

#3 The term is derived from a kind of ointment vases called alabastra.  Is named after its supposed early source at Alabaston, a town in Egypt.  The purest form is white and translucent but the impurities (e.g. ferric oxide) can colour the stone in yellows.

     Clues: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alabaster

#4  The name comes from the Medieval Latin word, "granatum", which is an adjective meaning "dark-red". Is attracted to neodymium magnets because it contains high concentrations of iron and/or manganese.

     Clues: http://www.gemstone.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=106:sapphire&catid=1:gem-by-gem&Itemid=14

#5  This is a variety of Quartz which exhibits a fascinating and constantly shifting light effect since the alternating silky gold and brown bands keep reversing their appearance with the slightest change in position of the light source or of the stone.

      clues: http://www.gemdat.org/gem-3960.html

Now take your gems to your instructor and let them grade the results...


            Now that you found all of the gems.......GO FIND THE


Now that you have completed your Quest, below is the grading criteria your Instructor will use to grade your assignment.

Grading Criteria Points Availale Points Earned
Located Gem #1
   Correct Answer 15
   Incorrect Answer 12
Located Gem #2
   Correct Answer 15
   Incorrect Answer 12
Located Gem #3
   Correct Answer 15
   Incorrect Answer 12
Located Gem #4
   Correct Answer 15
   Incorrect Answer 12
Located Gem #5
   Correct Answer 15
   Incorrect Answer 12
Located Diamond!
   Correct Answer 20
   Incorrect Answer 15
Spelling 5
Total Points 100


Congratulations!!  You have completed the Diamond Quest!!

Today your group learned about different types of gems and what makes each of them so unique.  Using the provided clues you were able to identify each gem that was able to lead you to the Diamond!

Gems may seem very similar but there are no two that are exactly alike.  Just like you!

We hope that you enjoyed learning about the different gems and hope that you have a better understanding about these little wonders on Earth.