Cultures in Kentucky


Hello everyone! Today we are going to embark on a journey, to learn about the different cultures in Kentucky's history.

I can compare and contrast Native Americans in the early settlement of Kentucky to Americans in Kentucky today.  

4th Grade: Cultures and Societies

2.17  Students interact effectively and work
cooperatively with the many ethnic and cultural groups of our nation and world


Students will investigate and compare culture/cultural events of diverse groups in Kentucky today with the past using information from print and non-print sources (e.g., documents, informational passages/texts, interviews, digital and environmental)

   a)   explore and compare cultural elements (e.g., beliefs, traditions, languages, skills, literature, the arts) of diverse groups (e.g., Native Americans and early settlers) in the early settlement of Kentucky


1. You are going to complete an online scavenger hunt to answer the quesitons in the process section.

2. With the answers you found, you are going to create a Vinn diagram displaying your information.

3. You will present your findings to the class.

4. Be creative, and have fun!


Search the following cultural elements below to compare and contrast Native Americans in the early settlement of Kentucky, and Americans in Kentucky today.

Cultural Elements:

  • Languages
  • Traditions
  • Skills
  • Literature
  • Arts
  • Clothing
  • Food
  • Etc.

Below are some websites you could use to help find information. However, you should use more than the ones listed below to find your information.

Be sure to look up pictures to use in your powerpoint presentation.



Check list

1. Student correctly uses Vinn diagram._____

2. Student compares the different cultures._____

3. Student contrast the different cultures._____

4. Student uses a variety of sources to find information._____

5. Information is accurate._____

1 check= 20%

2 checks= 40%

3 checks= 60%

4 checks= 80%

5 checks= 100%


Great job everyone! After completing the online search, you can now get busy on your Vinn diagram. Remember to be neat, and do your best.

Teacher Page

Hannah Hopper

Lindsey Wilson College