conner webquest


   In this short area you will learn about integers. You can read this or watch my presentation. Do you know anything about integers? If not keep on reading to find out.



1. In what century were integers first accepted?

2. What culture was the first to use the integeres?

3. When was the word integers first introduced?

4. What does integer mean in latin?

5. What is the symbol for integer?


1. How do you add two integers if they have the same symbol?

2. How do you add two integers with opposite signs?

3. how do you determine the difference between two integers?

4. How do you multiply/divide integers?

word problems

1. You are driving at 65mph with cruise control on. You see a sign stating you are entering a 55mph so you slow down 10mph. After a few miles a new sign says you are entering a 65mph zone again. So you speed up 10mph. In a minute you will be in a cunstrution zone with speed limit of 45mph. Show the equation.

2. Say I barrow $5 from you and buy lunch since I forgot my wallet. Now I owe you $5. Do the same equation with $10.


   You can find out alot of these questions if you look up history of integers. And if you go to you can calculate the other answers.