Communicable Diseases WebQuest activity


Today we will be exploring the topic of communicable diseases. A communicable disease is an infectious disease that is transmitted from person to person through germs such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. It is important that we are aware of these diseases in order to be able to treat them and prevent them from spreading. For this task, we will be focusing on... 

  • Whooping cough

  • Influenza

  • Chicken pox
  • Hepatitis A and B 

  • Hand foot and mouth  

In pairs, your task is to collect information related to ONE of these communicable diseases and develop a poster on that disease. Your peers are the audience for your poster... what would they want/need to know about the communicable disease you have been assigned? 

As well as providing an overview of the communicable disease, your poster needs to answer these questions: 

  • What causes the disease?
  • What are the common symptoms?
  • How can the disease be prevented?
  • How can the disease be treated?

While the aim of your poster is informative, how you present the information is up to you. Be creative... you might want to inlcude text, tables, diagrams or pictures. 


It is up to you to choose your partner and together you will be assigned a disease to focus on. 

Once you have a partner and have been assigned one of the communicable diseases to explore, you need to source your information. Below is a list of the communicable diseases - click on your disease and you will be taken to a website containing information on that disease. 

Whooping cough


Chicken pox 

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis B

Hand foot and mouth

Now that you have your information, you are ready to plan your poster. Use a piece of paper and grey led pencil to plan out your poster. Think about headings, colours, materials and the placement of your information. How will you make your poster stand out from others?

Once you are happy with the design of your poster, you are ready to complete the final product! 


You will be given three afternoon sessions to complete your posters. In the fourth lesson, you will present your poster to the class. 


Your poster will be assessed against a rubric of criteria. 

You will also be asked to fill in a peer-assessment sheet to provide feedback to others on their posters. 


Through engaging in this WebQuest, you have developed a understanding of a variety of communicable diseases including whooping cough, influenza, chicken pox, hepatitis A and B, and hand, foot and mouth disease.