Communicable and chronic diseases (grade 6)


According to (2015), communicable diseases are diseases transmitted from one person to another, through either direct or indirect contact.  Chronic diseases, or uncommunicable diseases, can be defined as a disease of long duration, which do not pass from person to person (World Health Organisation [WHO], 2015).

Throughout this WebQuest, you will be researching the following communicable and chronic diseases:

  • Diabetes,
  • Chicken Pox (varicella),
  • Ringworm,
  • Hepatitis A,
  • Hepatitis B. 

Did you know that YOU can be affected by these diseases?

In order to prevent this from happening, you will need to have a substantial amount knowledge around these topics.  You will now research various preventative strategies, the symptoms to recognise, and the treatment of these diseases.



Your task is to research all five diseases, distinguishing the communicable diseases from the chronic diseases, outlining information discovered about the diseases in a power point form.  

You will work in pairs, and have two 1 hour sessions to complete this task, and extra time to present.

Aims of the task:

- Effectively use ICT to research and present the task

- Answer all questions in detail

- Use time wisely (manage your time)

- Use a range of websites, at least two per disease, to collect information

- Use colour and pictures in the power point when presenting 


Follow these steps to complete the task... You can choose which disease to research first, as long as you research ALL of them.


1. Define diabetes

2. Is it a communicable, or chronic disease? How do you know this?

3. Is there a specific age group or gender most affected by this disease?

4. How can you prevent getting type 2 diabetes?

5. What are the symptoms of having diabetes?

6. What is the treatment for diabetes?

7. Can diabetes go once you have it?

8. What important information do you, your parents, and teachers need to know if you have either type of diabetes?

9. Does having diabetes restrict you at all in everyday tasks? i.e. Physical activity.

Chicken Pox (varicella)

1. Define chicken pox (varicella)

2. Is it a communicable or chronic disease? Why?

3. What age group is most common to get chicken pox?

4. Can you prevent it? If so how?

5. What are the sypmtoms of having chicken pox?

6. What treatment is there for chicken pox?

7. How long does it last?

8. What do you do if you have chicken pox at school?

9. Does it restrict you in your everyday life?


1. Define

2. Is is communicable or chronic? Why?

3. Can you get a ringworm at any age? Is there a most common age?

4. How do you get it?

5. How can you prevent it?

6. What treatment is there for ringworms?

7. How long does it last?

8. What information do you, your parents, and teachers need to know if you have a ringworm?

9. How does it affect your everyday life activities?

Hepatitis A & B

1. Define, what is the difference between hep A and hep B?

2. Are they communicable or chronic diseases?

3. What area of the body is most affected?

4. How do you get these diseases?

5. Can you prevent them? How?

6. What treatment is there for Hep A and B?

7. How long do these diseases last?

8. What information do you, your parents, and teachers need to know if you have either of these?

9. Does is affect your everyday life activities? Why/Why not?

To answer for all diseases:

10. Can any of the diseases be fatal?

Resources to assist your learning...

For answers to questions you cannot find on these sites do your own research.


Chicken pox (varicella):…


Hepatitis A & B:

Hep A (specifically):…

Hep B (specifically):…



Firstly, ask yourselves the following questions:

1. Have you answered all questions in detail?

2. Have you got a clear definition of a communicable and chronic disease? Knowing the difference?

3. Have you presented your findings in a power point form, putting detailed thought as to how to present it (colour, pictures) to make it interesting and eye catching for the audience?








Use various resources to find information about diseases, including strategies to seek help about health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS053)


Researched using several resources, many of which were their own, to answer all questions about all diseases in thorough, well thought out detail.

Researched using several resources, some of which were their own. Answered questions about all diseases in good detail.

Researched using resources outlined for them. Did not use own resources to find information. Responses to questions were straight forward and brief.

Used some resources to find information. None of which were their own. Very brief answers to questions, not enough detail.

Did not use resources effectively, failed to complete task, answers to questions very poor and hard to understand.

Effectively use ICT to research and present ideas (ACELY1717)


Effectively researched using computers, using time wisely.  Power point presentation full of colour, pictures, eye catching, and easy to understand.

Effectively researched using computers.  Power point presentation is colourful, with some pictures.  

Researched using computers however did not use time wisely.

Power point presentation has little colour and pictures, and brief information.

Did not effectively use computers to research the task. Power point presentation dull and little to no information effectively answering the questions.

Did not effectively use computers to research the task.  Power point presentation was not completed, very dull, lacking colour and pictures. Could not present ideas to class because information did not answer the questions/be understood.


Well Done!  

You have now completed the task.

You should now be full of information regarding preventative strategies, recognising symptoms, and treatment (+more) of the five diseases researched.

I look forward to seeing your presentations!

~ Miss Thorp ~