Baltimore Orioles


We found an unidentified baby bird in the classroom. It needs to return to his family, but we do not know anything about this type of bird. You will help us find information about this tiny bird, then you will create your own scrapbook page with the information you have found for all your peers to see.

Baltimore Oriole chick by birdguy200 on Flickr.
The Baltimore Oriole, or Icterus galbula, is a small bird (17-22cm in length with a weight of an average 33.8g) that are commonly found in eastern North America. In winter they migrate as far south as northern South America, but sometimes they’ll stick around North America if they’re bribed with enough feeders. Rarely, they get completely off course and end up in Western Europe. The record lifespan of a wild bird was 11 years and 7 months although in captivity they can live up to 14 years. They mostly eat berries, nectar and insects and will often steal from your hummingbird feeders. Their favored prey is the forest tent caterpillar moth in its larval stage, which they apparently beat against a stick until their protective hairs are gone. Vicious. Apart from the mating season they are generally solitary, but are believed to be monogamous. A brood consists of 3 to 7 eggs which hatch after about two weeks. After another two weeks, the babies fledge and soon become independent, ready to raid your hummingbird feeders and kill all your caterpillars.


Poor baby bird, it is hungry and it really misses his family. Luckily, you are here to help us find all the information on this bird. You will have to become an expert on birds and answer all the questions from the questionnaire. Also, you will have to create a scrapbook page with all the information on this type of bird.  


First you will have to log on . After, you will have to go see your teacher for the sheet of questions. For each questions, you will have to click on the link and read the text to find the answers on the bird. You cannot look at the discoveries from the other students. When you finish answering the questionnaire, start your scrapbook page.   

The scrapbook page must include

-the name of the bird

-its habitat

-its physical description

-its diet

-its behaviour

Grade 5

Your Scrapbook page must have at least 5 complete sentences.

Grade 6

You must write a minimum of 6 complete sentences.


Congratulations! You have saved the bird. It has finally found its mother thanks to you. Before you leave. Write down on a piece of paper two things that you have learned. Also, write down if you found the webquest easy or difficult and suggestions to improve the quest.