Autobiography on an author


We will be doing a autobiography on an author. I will have a list of authors names on the board, I will allow you to pick your author. Authors can't be repeated.

We will be in the library the entire week to find books and web articles.

You will have one week and the weekend to get the paper done. The following Monday you will share your paper with the class and turn it in to me.


Your task is to have two credible sources, one book and one web article. You will need to do research on the author you have picked. The following information is required for your paper: when and where were they born (mm/dd/yyyy), when and where did they died (mm/dd/yyyy), if they went to college and if so what did they study and how does it tie into literature, what was their inspiration to write, their first book they wrote and got published, and lastly, I want you to provide me with an inspiring quote they've said about writing and relate it to how they were as a writer.


step 1: choose an author.

step 2: start research on author and find two sources (one book and one web article).

step 3: After all information has been gathered, you are to fill out the questions I have given to you below. I want details. dont give me one sentence answers. If you need help ask me.

Step 4: After the outline in complete you are to start typing or neatly writing your paper.

Step 5: You are to turn in your outline and paper on Monday after you have read the paper to your peers.

1)      When were the born? I want month, date, and year.



2)      When did they die? I want month, date, and year.



3)      Where did they go to college and how does there degree reflect upon their literature career?



4)      What was their inspiration to write?



5)      First book they wrote and got published?



6)      Inspiring quote that reflects on why they write?


4: little to no grammer mistakes, stayed on topic, and fully completed the required  assignment points.

3: Some grammer mistakes, stayed on topic most of the paper, and fully completed the required assignment points.

2: There were grammer errors, didn't stay on topic, and didn't fully complete the required assignment points.

1: There were grammer errors, there was no topic, and didn't complete the required assignmet points.


At the end of the assignment you will be able to talk about the author you have written about.
