Alex Hernandez


My name is Alex Hernandez.  I was born on Febuary 23rd, 2000 at Griffin Hospital.  I have one sister and one dog.  We live with my mom in Ansonia.  My favorite things to do are play sports and play video games.  My favorite sports to play are football and basketball.  For video games i like to play shooting and sport games.


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This picture is amazing because it shows the sun setting on the beach





In the intelliigence quiz i scored intrapersonal.  I think this is accruate because I get along with people and I like doing group stuff or working with other people.


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For my future goal I want to be s docter or something like a docter.  I want to be a docter because i want to be successful and have a good life.


My hero is my mom and cousin.  They are my hero because they push me everyday to do good and school and go to college. They want me to be suessful. My cousin is successful because he went to college to become an eye-doctor.