WebQuest: Exploring the Solar System


Welcome, space explorers! Have you ever wondered about the vast expanse of our solar system? Are you curious about the planets, moons, and other celestial bodies that make up our cosmic neighborhood? Join us on an exciting journey through space as we delve into the wonders of the solar system.


Your task is to create a multimedia presentation that showcases your understanding of the solar system. Your presentation should include information about the planets, their moons, and other significant features of our solar system. You will also create a model or diagram illustrating the relative sizes and distances of the planets from the Sun.

  1. Research: Begin by researching the eight planets in our solar system (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) and their characteristics. Explore their sizes, compositions, atmospheres, and any unique features they possess. Additionally, research notable moons, asteroids, and comets within the solar system.

  2. Presentation: Once you have gathered sufficient information, create a multimedia presentation using your preferred software (PowerPoint, Google Slides, Prezi, etc.). Your presentation should include slides for each planet, featuring key facts and visuals. Include images, videos, and diagrams to enhance your presentation.

  3. Model/Diagram: Create a model or diagram illustrating the relative sizes and distances of the planets from the Sun. You can use household items, digital design software, or any other materials you have available to create your model.

  4. Compile: Compile all elements of your project into a cohesive presentation. Make sure your information is accurate and your visuals are engaging.



To ensure the quality and accuracy of your exploration of the solar system, your project will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Content (Accuracy and Depth):

Excellent (4): Your project demonstrates a thorough understanding of the solar system, including accurate information about planets, moons, and other celestial bodies. It showcases detailed research and comprehensive knowledge.
Good (3): Your project provides mostly accurate information about the solar system, with minor errors or omissions. While some areas may lack depth, the overall content is informative.
Fair (2): Your project contains some inaccuracies or lacks depth in certain areas of the solar system. It demonstrates a basic understanding but may require further research and refinement.
Needs Improvement (1): Your project has significant inaccuracies or lacks sufficient information about the solar system. It demonstrates a limited understanding of the topic and requires significant revisions.
Presentation (Visual Appeal and Organization):

Excellent (4): Your presentation is visually appealing, with well-designed slides that incorporate engaging multimedia elements such as images, videos, and diagrams. The information is organized in a clear and logical manner, enhancing the overall presentation.
Good (3): Your presentation is visually appealing and adequately organized, with clear slides that effectively convey information. While there may be some room for improvement in design or organization, the overall presentation is engaging.
Fair (2): Your presentation lacks visual appeal or organization in some areas, with slides that may be cluttered or difficult to follow. While the information is presented, it may not be effectively communicated to the audience.
Needs Improvement (1): Your presentation lacks visual appeal and organization, making it difficult for the audience to understand the information presented. The slides may be disorganized or visually unappealing, detracting from the overall presentation.
Model/Diagram (Representation of Planet Sizes and Distances):

Excellent (4): Your model or diagram accurately represents the sizes and distances of the planets from the Sun, providing a clear visual understanding of the solar system's scale. It demonstrates attention to detail and precision in representation.
Good (3): Your model or diagram mostly accurately represents the sizes and distances of the planets from the Sun, with minor discrepancies or inaccuracies. While some areas may require refinement, the overall representation is clear.
Fair (2): Your model or diagram contains some inaccuracies in the representation of planet sizes and distances. While the general concept is conveyed, there may be inconsistencies or errors that affect the overall clarity.
Needs Improvement (1): Your model or diagram has significant inaccuracies in the representation of planet sizes and distances, making it difficult to understand the scale of the solar system. It requires revisions to accurately depict the relative sizes and distances of celestial bodies.
Note: Your overall score will be based on the combined assessment of content, presentation, and model/diagram. Aim for excellence in each criterion to create a comprehensive and impressive exploration of the solar system.


To ensure the quality and accuracy of your exploration of the solar system, your project will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Content (Accuracy and Depth):

Excellent (4): Your project demonstrates a thorough understanding of the solar system, including accurate information about planets, moons, and other celestial bodies. It showcases detailed research and comprehensive knowledge.
Good (3): Your project provides mostly accurate information about the solar system, with minor errors or omissions. While some areas may lack depth, the overall content is informative.
Fair (2): Your project contains some inaccuracies or lacks depth in certain areas of the solar system. It demonstrates a basic understanding but may require further research and refinement.
Needs Improvement (1): Your project has significant inaccuracies or lacks sufficient information about the solar system. It demonstrates a limited understanding of the topic and requires significant revisions.
Presentation (Visual Appeal and Organization):

Excellent (4): Your presentation is visually appealing, with well-designed slides that incorporate engaging multimedia elements such as images, videos, and diagrams. The information is organized in a clear and logical manner, enhancing the overall presentation.
Good (3): Your presentation is visually appealing and adequately organized, with clear slides that effectively convey information. While there may be some room for improvement in design or organization, the overall presentation is engaging.
Fair (2): Your presentation lacks visual appeal or organization in some areas, with slides that may be cluttered or difficult to follow. While the information is presented, it may not be effectively communicated to the audience.
Needs Improvement (1): Your presentation lacks visual appeal and organization, making it difficult for the audience to understand the information presented. The slides may be disorganized or visually unappealing, detracting from the overall presentation.
Model/Diagram (Representation of Planet Sizes and Distances):

Excellent (4): Your model or diagram accurately represents the sizes and distances of the planets from the Sun, providing a clear visual understanding of the solar system's scale. It demonstrates attention to detail and precision in representation.
Good (3): Your model or diagram mostly accurately represents the sizes and distances of the planets from the Sun, with minor discrepancies or inaccuracies. While some areas may require refinement, the overall representation is clear.
Fair (2): Your model or diagram contains some inaccuracies in the representation of planet sizes and distances. While the general concept is conveyed, there may be inconsistencies or errors that affect the overall clarity.
Needs Improvement (1): Your model or diagram has significant inaccuracies in the representation of planet sizes and distances, making it difficult to understand the scale of the solar system. It requires revisions to accurately depict the relative sizes and distances of celestial bodies.
Note: Your overall score will be based on the combined assessment of content, presentation, and model/diagram. Aim for excellence in each criterion to create a comprehensive and impressive exploration of the solar system.


Congratulations, space explorers, on completing your journey through the solar system! You've gained a deeper understanding of our cosmic neighborhood and created a stunning multimedia presentation to showcase your knowledge. Take a moment to reflect on what you've learned and the process of creating your project. Keep exploring the wonders of the universe!
