
Perhaps you know that when you take a car to the dealership to have it repaired or to have maintenance work done, the mechanics that work on the car need parts to complete their work. The dealership maintains an inventory of parts and employs a Parts Manager to keep track of them and to be able to provide the parts needed by the mechanics when they do their work.

Well, for this project you are entering a training program to be a parts manager for a dealership that specializes in speech. Our language consists of sentences built from parts, called the parts of speech. (Although there are a few more, for this training program we are going to look at nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and exclamations/interjections).


Since an effective parts manager needs to know what the parts are to be able to keep track of them, the first thing you will do is some fact-finding to learn about the parts of speech that we'll encounter. Are there different types? How are they used? How can we keep track of them (identify them in sentences)? You will then record this data on a data collection sheet.

Next, after your background work, you will be ready to put your training to the 'test' and will have the opportunity to demonstrate your skill as a parts of speech manager in keeping our language running smoothly and on time.

Finally, no respectable parts manager would be without his/her parts manual. You will use your knowledge of speech parts to create a parts manual that will showcase your new skills. You will then be ready to fix sentences that have been sent in to the shop for repairs for years to come.

Optional: Create a short report to your service manager explaining to them about your training and work with the parts of speech. This will show her how important the job of parts manager is to keeping our communications in tune and operating efficiently. You may even be called upon to explain to the shop's customers ways that they can keep their sentences and communications from needing your attention as often. Remember to keep your parts manual close, use examples from customers (or your room) to demonstrate your work and you'll do just fine.


The Process

1. Go to the Parts of the Speech data Collection Sheet and print out a copy. Then, using the sites shown below (you may not need them all, feel free to jump around the list), write down responses for the questions given. Use the browser 'BACK' button to return to this page.

Parts of Speech (BrainPop) - play the movie, take the quiz.

Parts of Speech (Grammar Gorillas) - click 'beginner' for nouns and verbs only (advanced' for more parts of speech), and note the help definitions given. Practice on the sentences shown and feed the gorillas their lunch.

2. It's time to head to the shop and put our theory into practice.

All Parts of Speech - Interlink Language Center; short definitions, each with a pop quiz; click the ones we're working with and others if you're really feeling 'souped up'.

3. Now that you've gotten up-to-speed on your parts of speech, it's time to assemble your parts manual so that you'll remember your training and will be ready for problems that might come in to the shop in the future. Print out the list of broken down sentences and follow the instructions shown on the page. Use the browser 'BACK' button to return to this page.

4. Complete The Handout "Spanish in different places". To do so Uso goole translate or any other bilingual dictionary. Focus on people who work in those places, what they do, adjectives and adverbs to describe. For example. In the school-nouns: profesora ( teacher ) , students  (estudiante), libro (book). Verbs; hablar, escuchar, leer y escribir. Adjetivos: interesante y fácil. Adverbs, generalmente y siempre. etc



You will be evaluated on how carefully you completed the tasks in this project according to the following table. Care about your work and it will show.

Improvable Work


Acceptable Work


Good Work


Great Work


Your Score


Data Collection Sheet




3 blanks empty, wrong, or sloppily completed



2 blanks empty, wrong, or sloppily completed


1 blank empty, wrong, or sloppily completed All blanks neatly and correctly completed  


Shop Time



Visit 1 site Visit 2 sites Visit 3 sites Visit all sites  




3 or more items missing, incomplete. 2 items missing, incomplete. 1 item missing, incomplete. All parts included, complete.

Well done! You have completed your training in managing the parts of speech and have demonstrated your competency as a parts manager. You've learned a lot about how sentences go together, and how they can sometimes fall apart.

How well we manage the parts of speech is often one of the first impressions that we give others, whether it be through our speaking or our writing. As such, it is worth the effort to become proficient and able as a speech parts manager.

You've earned special recognition for your diligent efforts on this project. To receive your certificate of completion for this program, print out the Parts Manager Certificate and have your parent or teacher fill in your name and date (don't forget to have them sign it for me!). And then place it in your Parts Manual to remember that we are both proud of what you have accomplished. Use the browser 'BACK' button to return to this page.