Domino Theory


The domino theory was a theory in effect during the 1950s until around the 1980s. It introduced what is known as 'the Domino effect'. The domino theory stated that if one state in a reigon became under the influence communism, the others would follow. Once the domino theory was put in effect, it wasn't easily stopped, but was it effective? On this webquest you will learn the cause

and effect of the domino theory and if it was effective. We will leave you to determine that. 


During the two tasks you will complete while doing this webquest, you will answer questions about the many aspects of the domino theory during the time of the Vietnam War. The questions provided are under the process tab, right next to this one. Under Task 1 you will find some websites where you can watch videos and read about information to answer the questions being asked. In Task 2 you will be asked your opinion on the domino theory. Enjoy your research!



Task 1:

For this task it would be best to use a computer and not an ipad to recieve the best results

On a seperate sheet of paper, answer the questions below using the websites and links provided for you.

Use the introduction, and the orgins  on this website to answer some of the questions

1. Why did the United States government use the domino theory?

2. After 1975 what communist regimes arised?

3. What failed to spread after 1975 throughout the rest of Southeast Asia?

1. During when was the Domino Theory created?

1. How many American soldiers died in result of this theory?

2. How many Vietnamese soldiers died in result of this theory? How many Vietnamese civilians? 

3. The death and destruction of this theory cost the American taxpayer how much money?

4. Are the communists still in control in Vietnam? 

5. What does Vietnam now encourage? many-uses-throughout-years/

1. Who's speech made the domino theory widely known?

2. Did the communists conquer all of Southeast Asia in effect to this theory?

Task Two: 

In task two, watch the video to learn more about the domino theory. 

Task Three:

For this task, you will be asked to answer two ideas below using your own words:

1. Summarize the Domino Theory in your own words.

2. Do you you think that the United States should have gotten involved in the Vietnam War? Why?




Good job to you all for completing this webquest! We really hope you enjoyed it and learned a little something about the Domino Theory. As you can see, the theory was very effective! Thank you for your time!
