Tall Tales !!




Have you ever been to California? How about Texas? If you could go anywhere in the United States, where would you want to go? Well, start packing because you are about to travel across the United States with some pretty interesting characters!! 



Buckle up! It's almost time to leave. But before we do, you need to read the special tips below about your trip.

On this trip you will read five tall tale adventures. Let's take a minute to watch a slideshow about tall tales to review what Tall Tales are!

Tall Tale SlideShow

For each Tall Tale you will need to complete this information.

1) Exaggeration - You will find and record as much of the exaggerations in each tall tale adventure.

2) Travel Guide - You will also record all of the places and sites that are visited during the adventures.

3) Super Character Map - Be sure to chart down each of the "superhuman" characteristcs that the Tall Tale Character projected during the adventures.

4) Problem Solver - After you have finished reading the Tall Tale, tell about the problem in each adventure and the funny way it is solved.

5.) Your choice of final activity. 




Your teacher will be your guide on your tall tale adventure trip, so if you have any questions during your trip be sure to ask her.

 Steps for you to complete:

1) Before you read each Tall Tale, ask yourself these questions; jot down your answers in your journal. 

       a.   By looking at the cover, what types of adventures do you think this character will have? 

  •    b.  Who do you think you might meet on these adventures?
  •     c. What places do you think you might see?
  •     d. What kind of problems do you think you might encounter?


2)  Now begin reading and be sure to keep track of the information you will need to complete


Exaggeration (go to Evaluation page to read about this)

Travel Guide (go to Evaluation page to read about this)

Super Character Map(go to Evaluation page to read about this)

Problem Solver (go to Evaluation page to read about this)


3)  When you have finished the Tall Tale, be sure your journal pages are complete. Then create a *news story on a specific tale character, or *write a paragraph in which you compare and contrast  the tall tale character to the person's real life, or *design a stamp for a specific tall tale character and write a letter to the post office explaining why you think this character deserves to be on a stamp.

See the rubric on evaluation page to be sure you do a good job and earn the grade you want!!

                                         Be sure to use each activity twice ONLY!!!

4.)After you have completed these activities for this Tall Tale turn the page and start again for your next Tall Tale. 

5.) When you have finsihed reading all FIVE TALL TALES,   turn in your Tall Tale journal and now you will begin to write your own.  Use the chart below to guide you.


  Tall Tale Story Guide






Exaggeration (hyperbole) 

Remember an exaggeration is something that could not really happen.  It is often the truth that has been s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d beyond belief.


Exaggeration examples:

It is so hot, I could fry an egg on my head!

He is so tall, his head scrapes the clouds.

I am so hungry I could eat an elephant! 

Use your recording sheet to list at least 4 different forms of hyperbole(exaggeration) within your Tall Tale.



Travel Guide

You have a very important job to do during your tall tale adventure travels!  You will keep a travel journal of all the places that you visit and see.


Remember to include any states that you pass through and landforms that you see along the way.


Super Character Map

You have to be aware of what your character is doing during your tall tale adventure travels!  You will watch the superhuman characters that you meet very carefully. You will take (draw) a picture of each tall tale hero and record facts that you find out about each of them. Remember to include their amazing abilities!

Problem Solver

You have a very important job to do during your tall tale adventure travels!  You will be on the lookout for problems that the tall tale heroes come across. You will list these problems and the funny ways they solve these problems on you recording page. 


Use these rubrics below to be sure you earn the grade you want.

News Article

  1 2 3 4
Critical Components Headline might catch      reader's attention.  Article contains some of the who did what,      where, when, why, and how.   Headline might catch      reader's attention.  Article contains some of the who did what,      where, when, why, and how.  Uses some topic and concluding sentences. Headline catches reader's      attention.  Article contains the who did what, where, when, why, and      how.  Uses some topic and concluding sentences. Headline catches reader's      attention.  Article contains the who did what, where, when, why, and      how.  Uses topic and concluding sentences.
Style  Information is some what      in a logical sequence.   Some descriptive language is used. Information is some what      in a logical sequence.  Ideas are mainly in order from most important      to least important.  Some descriptive language is used. Information is some what      in a logical sequence.  Ideas are in order from most important to      least important.  Descriptive language is used. Information is in a      logical sequence.  Ideas are in order from most important to least      important.  Descriptive language is used.
Mechanics Mainly written in complete      sentences.  Mainly uses capitalization, punctuation  correctly. Written in complete      sentences.  Mainly uses capitalization, punctuation  correctly. Written in complete      sentences.  Mainly uses capitalization, punctuation (including      quotation marks) correctly. Written in complete      sentences.  Uses capitalization, punctuation (including quotation      marks) correctly.
Total Score        

Stamp Design

  1 2 3 4
Critical Components Illustration somewhat      corresponds to the tall tale character.  Letter contains        at least one  reason why this tall tale character should be on a      stamp.  Illustration corresponds      to the tall tale character.  Letter contains   at least      one  reason why this tall tale character should be on a stamp.  Illustration corresponds      to the tall tale character.  Letter contains        several  reasons why this tall tale character should be on a      stamp.  Illustration corresponds      to the tall tale character.  Letter contains a description of the      character's traits and several reasons why this tall tale character should      be on a stamp. 
Style Illustration is somewhat      colorful.  Some descriptive language is used in the letter.       Reasons are sometimes supported by evidence. Illustration is      colorful.  Some descriptive language is used in the letter.       Reasons are sometimes supported by evidence. Illustration is      colorful.  Descriptive language is used in the letter.  Reasons      are sometimes supported by evidence. Illustration is      colorful.  Descriptive language is used in the letter.  Reasons      are supported by evidence.
Mechanics Mainly written in complete      sentences.  Mainly uses capitalization, punctuation  correctly. Written in complete      sentences.  Mainly uses capitalization, punctuation  correctly. Written in complete      sentences.  Mainly uses capitalization, punctuation  correctly. Written in complete      sentences.  Uses capitalization, punctuation  correctly.
Total Score        


Compare and Contrast Paragraph

  1 2 3 4
Critical Components Paragraph includes some      similarities or differences between the fictional character and the real      person.   Paragraph includes several      similarities or differences between the fictional character and the real      person.   Paragraph includes several      similarities and differences between the fictional character and the real      person.   Paragraph includes several      similarities and differences between the fictional character and the real      person.  
Style Paragraph is somewhat      written in a logical order.  A few of the similarities and      differences are backed up with specific examples from texts. Paragraph is somewhat      written in a logical order.  Some of the similarities and differences      are backed up with specific examples from texts. Paragraph is written in a      logical order.  Some of the similarities and differences are backed      up with specific examples from texts. Paragraph is written in a      logical order.  Similarities and differences are backed up with      specific examples from texts.
Mechanics Mainly written in complete      sentences.  Mainly uses capitalization, punctuation  correctly. Written in complete      sentences.  Mainly uses capitalization, punctuation  correctly. Written in complete      sentences.  Mainly uses capitalization, punctuation  correctly. Written in complete      sentences.  Uses capitalization, punctuation  correctly.
Total Score        




Individual Rubric

Tall Tale Writing Project Rubric






Tall Tale Hero

A tall tale hero is included with a first and last name.

A tall tale hero is included with only a first or last name.

A tall tale hero is not included.

2nd Character

A second character is included with a first and last name.

A second character is included with only a first or last name.

A second character is not included.


An adjective that describes the tall tale hero’s superhuman ability is used correctly.

An adjective is used to describe the tall tale hero’s superhuman ability but not in correct form.

An adjective is not used to describe the tall tale’s superhuman ability.


A state is chosen for the location of the tall tale.

A location is chosen, but it is not a state.

No location is chosen for the tall tale to take place.


The problem is identified and explained in detail.

The problem is identified but no details are given.

The problem is not identified.


The solution is given, along with supporting details. 

The solution in provided, but no details are given.

The solution is not clearly identified.


Humor is evident in solving the problem.


Humor is not evident in the solution.


Exaggeration is used in the tall tale.


Exaggeration is not used in the tall tale.


There are no spelling and/or grammatical errors in the final draft of the tall tale.

There are few spelling and/or grammatical errors in the final draft of the tall tale.

There are many spelling and/or grammatical errors in the final draft of the tall tale.

Tall Tale Hero


There is a tall tale hero illustration included with the published tall tale.


There is no tall tale hero illustration included with the published tall tale.



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