

Have you ever wondered, "What if America wasn't the 'home of the free'"? How different would America look today?


In this webquest, you and your partner will see how democracy has influenced events and time periods throughout American history. You and your partner will understand and analyze the basics of democracy and two time periods from American history. Then, you will use this knowledge to create a powerpoint, video, play, or poster showing how you imagine those time periods to look WITHOUT democracy. 


 Key Questions:

What is democracy?

Where did democracy come from?

How has democracy influened America (past and present times)?

Phase One: Brainstorm

Between you and your partner(s), brainstorm to answer the key questions in the chart from what you already know. Brainstorming can include bullet points, phrases, or clusters of ideas/words. You may answer in complete sentences, but you do not have to.

Phase Two: Investigate/Research

1.  Now it's time to see what democracy is and where it came from! Using the resources listed below, you and you partner(s) can get a better understanding of democracy. (You can also use the internet to find your own resources). Take notes while you are researching, so you can use them to jog your memory in the next step! Once your group has a good grasp on what democracy is and feel like you can explain it, move onto the next part of Phase Two.

2. Using your notes and what you've learned, have your group create a Wordle describing the important components of democracy. Not only can you describe democracy, you can also use words that trigger emotions that, to you, represent it! Use the test, font, and design to share how you see democracy. Once you have finished, save the file to your computer (you will need this later!).

3. Now that you understand what democracy is and where it came from, research how democracy has affected America. This can include any significant time in early American history (the forming of our nation). Without democracy, how do you think America would have "reacted" during that specific event? Again, you can use the resources provided at the bottom of the page, or find your own using the internet. Take notes while you are researching, so you can use them to jog your memory in the next step!

Phase Three: Create!

Now that we see how America was built on democracy, let's imagine what would have happened without democracy!

1. Choose TWO time periods or specific event in American history. This can include, but is not limited to, the following: colonial times, Revoluionary War, Civil War, World War I, Great Depression, World War II, Korean War, Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam War, Cold War, 1st Gulf War, 9/11, and 2nd Gulf War. The event/time period may be international OR internal.
(If your event is not on the list, ask the teacher for approval.)

2. Research your time periods using the internet. Take notes on important componentswhile you are researching each time period. 

3. Once you have finished researching your two time periods, use what you have learned about them and democracy. Did democracy have an important role in what happened or how those events/time periods took place? Analyze both events/time periods to see how democracy influenced these important times.

4. Now, if the idea of democracy HADN'T existed, what do you think these events/time periods would have looked like? Once you and your partner have created a scenario for each period selected, choose one of the following options to show your ideas:

      • Powerpoint
      • Short play or video
      • Poster/trifold
      • other (seek teacher approval BEFORE beginning your final product)

Make sure your project is showing how the two time periods would have been different without democracy (i.e. utilizing other forms of government, etc.). See rubric for your project before beginning.



Projects will be graded based on the following guidelines with equal importance:

  1. gives a brief overview of the basics of democracy
  2. gives background of the two chosen events or time periods
  3. shows how democracy has influenced that events that occured
  4. creates and displays a scenario for each event or time period that shows how it would be different without the influence of democracy (project display must be teacher approved)
  5. projects show applicationg of the research, evidence of creativity, and self-assessment or you and your partner(s)

Now that you've become an expert on democracy, you have seen how it has influenced American history, as well as created possible scenarios that  may have happened without it.

Do you think it has been a good form of government for America to follow?
