Simple Past and Past continuous In English


Today we will be navigating the web, we will watch educational videos and do some extercises online. By the end of the class you should be a simple past and past continuous expert!


First off, we will rock out listening to some great songs!

Secondly, we will watch a short video explaining what simple past and past continuous is. Feel free to look at other related videos.

The third activitie and final activity, is to do an extercise to see what you have learned so far.


You will be graded on on the following.

  • Completed ever part of the process.
  • effort
  •  compleated all the extercises

By now, we have gone over how, simple past and past continuous, works. We heard some clear examples in the different songs and even put your skills to the test in the three extercises. By the end of this webquest you should be an expert in this grammer topic.
