Simple Machines 3rd grade






                                               Scissors, staplers, pliers and knives

                                               Are an integral part of our lives.

                                   Let's learn their working with simple techniques

                                          And explore the world of Simple Machines

Machines make work easier for us and also help us to carry heavy loads. Every day we use machines without even thinking about it. When you hear the word machine you probably think of crane, washing machine but do you know basic tools like staplers ,scissors or tweezers are also machines. They are called simple machines.




On the completion of this Web Quest, you will be able to recognize the presence of simple machines all around you. The class will be divided into  groups of 3 responsible for each  type of simple machine. First, you will research and collect samples of the six simple machines and then each of you will share your findings so everyone will be an expert on all the machines.  You will be able to identify simple machines and their functions within compound machines like a toy car or an old device and solve the worksheet. The culminating activity you will invent a  compound machine that would be useful. Draw the machine that you have invented. Be able to explain during an oral presentation: what it is, how it would be used, and what simple machines make up your invented machine. :

1.     Lever

2.     Screw

3.     Wheel and axle

4.     Inclined plane

5.     Pulley

6.     Wedge





Take a look at this website to learn more about simple machines and perform the activity:


   Research about different simple machines. Go to a website and learn all about simple machines:






     You will identify and categorize simple machines used in everyday life and make a table on A4 size sheet. Different tools will be shown and also observe your surroundings and identify them.


 Design a complex machine that will make your life easier.

     Now, you and your partners should decide which role you will take in the project.  The roles are listed below.


Role #1 – Illustrator – This group member will be responsible for doing the drawing of the invention.


Role #2 – Writer – This group member will be responsible for writing a brief description of the invention.


Role #3 – Editor – This group member will be responsible for labeling the simple machines on the design drawing AND will check to make sure that the group is using the correct simple machines.


c.      Now it is time to think of an invention.  The idea must be something that makes a person’s life easier in some way.  The invention can be a bit silly, but it must make sense.  Remember, it MUST include at least 2 simple machines. 


d.      Next, take a piece of white 12 x 18 construction paper.  The ILLUSTRATOR should do a detailed sketch of the invention.  The editor and writer should help the illustrator and make sure that the design is exactly how they want it to look.


Click here for an example of a sketch of a project:  The Automatic Bed Making Machine Sketch



e.      Next, the WRITER should record a brief description of the compound machine.  In the paragraph, be sure to include the following:


  • The name of your invention – come up with something creative!
  • The names of the simple machines used – remember at least 2!
  • How the invention makes life easier in some way
  • Be sure that your paragraph is spelled correctly and has proper punctuation and capitalization


Click here for an example of a description of a project:  The Automatic Bed Making Machine Description


f.        Next, the EDITOR should label the simple machines directly on the design drawing.  Also, the EDITOR should double check that the correct simple machines are being used by referring back to the Simple Machines Chart that was completed at the beginning of the WebQuest.


g.      Now, it’s time for feedback.  You and your group are going to email Ms. Robin Alpert, the manager of Home Depot, and tell her about your invention.  Ms. Alpert’s email address is  Then, attach the description of the compound machine that your WRITER created into an email.  Also, include your design drawing as another attachment in the email.  Be sure to check back within the next day or two to see what Mr. Panasci thought of your design.  Good luck!


h.      Finally, you and your group should prepare a short presentation for the class.  Please follow these guidelines when creating your presentation:

·The presentation should be about five minutes long.

·All group members must speak during the presentation, so be sure to break up your ideas into 3 parts.

·You should explain your drawing in detail and describe how it can make life easier.

Refer   for help and ideas.


Simple Machines WebQuest Rubric








The chart is completely filled out.  The definitions are all correct and there are good examples of how we use the simple machine today.

The chart is completely filled out.  At least 5 out of the 6 definitions are correct and at least 5 out of the 6 examples are correct.

The chart is completely filled out.  At least 4 out of the 6 definitions are correct and at least 4 out of the 6 examples are correct.

The chart is completely filled out.  More than 2 of the definitions are incorrect and more than 2 of the examples are incorrect.

The chart is not completely filled out and some of the boxes were left blank.  The definitions are not correct and the examples of how we use the simple machines are not correct.

Design Drawing

The drawing is detailed and easy to understand.  The drawing is done neatly.

The drawing is detailed, but somewhat difficult to understand.  The drawing is somewhat messy

The drawing does not have a lot of detail and is somewhat messy.

The drawing is does not have any details and is difficult to understand because of messiness.

The drawing is not completed.

Brief Description

The paragraph is well written, spelled accurately, has good capitalization and punctuation, and includes the following:

*The name of your invention

*The names of at least 2 of the simple machines used

*A description of how the invention makes life easier in some way


The paragraph is somewhat well written.  There are only a few spelling mistakes.  There are a few capitalization and punctuation mistakes.  The paragraph includes the following:

*The name of your invention

*The names of at least 2 of the simple machines used

*A description of how the invention makes life easier in some way


The paragraph is not well written.  Some of the words are misspelled and there are mistakes with the capitalization and punctuation.  The paragraph includes 2 of the following:

*The name of your invention

*The names of at least 2 of the simple machines used

*A description of how the invention makes life easier in some way



The paragraph is not well written.  There are many words misspelled and there are many mistakes with capitalization and punctuation.  The paragraph includes only one of the following:

*The name of your invention

*The names of at least 2 of the simple machines used

*A description of how the invention makes life easier in some way


The paragraph is not well written and does not contain any of the requirements.

Accuracy of Invention

The design is labeled and includes at least 2 simple machines that are being used in the correct way.

The design is labeled and includes at least one simple machine that is being used in the correct way.

The design is not labeled, but the 2 simple machines are being used in the correct way.

The design is not labeled and only one simple machine is being used in the correct way.

The design is not labeled and the simple machines are not being used in the correct way.


The group members spoke loudly and described their invention extremely well.

The group members spoke loudly and described their invention with some accuracy.

The group members spoke somewhat loudly, but has some difficulty describing their invention.

The group members did not speak loudly and had a difficult time describing their invention.

The group members did not speak loudly and could not describe their invention.



Name of student ______________________________                      Grade ________