Is Utopia Attainable?


The search for utopia has occupied philosophers, writers, thinkers, social scientests, and average citizens throughout human history.  Plato designed a utopia of sorts when he wrote The Republic in apporoximately 400 BC.  In addition, the novels recently read in class explore the idea of Utopian (thus Dystopian) societies.  

Have you ever thought that you could make the world a better place?

Do you think you can do a better job than our world leaders? 

Would you like to be in control of laws, policies and the foundations of our society?

Here is your chance!  


An unexplored island has recently been discovered near Hawaii.  ThePresident of the United States has requested that a colony--to be called Ideal Place--be established there immediately.

It is YOUR task to develop the ideal society to be run on the island. Your colony must include aspects such as government; commerce, education, and transportaion systems; and recreation. 

You will present your ideas to the President himself (who looks a lot like your ELA teacher) in the form of one of the following:  diorama, slide show, a video, a scale model, a brochure or map.  

All the members of the best proposed colony will receive one trillion dollars! 

Resources and money are unlimited.  You should consider Dystopian Literature we have read and create a Utopia that excludes the aspects that did not work.

You will be assessed in 2 ways. (1) Your team's process and presentation and (2) Your individual agrumentative paper that either supports or disputes the question "Is Utopia Attainable?"



You will work in groups of 3.

Each of you will be responsible for researching your portion of the project.  You will have two days in the computer lab and you should also work on your portion at home.  

Next, your group will compile thier findings and you will assimulate the information to create your Utopian Society.

Urban Planner

  • Means of communication--How will people talk to one another?  Consider both verbal and written forms. 
  • Recreation/entertainment--How will your community members entertain themselves? (sports, outdoor recreation, fashion, etc.)
  • Geography/natural environment--What is the climate and topography of your utopia?  What natural resources are available? 
  • Architecture/infrastructure--Describe your community layout and location.  (For example:  Our community will be one large building … located on mountain-top.)  What types of architecture are your buildings inspired by?


  • Commerce/Economic System--How will your colony generate revenue?  How will the revenue be disbursed?  Will you have a monetary system?  If so, what is its worth as compared to American dollars?
  • Government--What will be the governing rules of your society? Who will decide those rules?  How will the rules be enforced?  Will you have a dictatorship?  Monarchy?  Democracy?  Will there be police?  What will happen if a member of society breaks the rules?
  • Immigration--Will outsiders be allowed into the society?  What rules will exist for those persons?  How will these policies be enforced?
  • Defense--How will you protect your colony?  Who is involved?  What tools and/or equipment is available to them?  What procedures will exist if your colony needs to fight?


  • Education---How will you educate the society?  How literate will it be?
  • Means to sustain life---food, water, clothing, shelter, survival, etc.
  • Technology---farming tools, computers, biotechnology, cloning, flying trains, other inventions and innovations
  • Religion---What stance on religion will your society take?
  • Transportation system---What methods of transportation will be used?
