
Attacking a ship for treasure

Pirates are sea-robbers who commits or practices piracy at sea.One who makes use of or reproduces the work of another without authorization. One who illegally intercepts or uses radio or television signals, especially one who operates an illegal television or radio station is a pirate.


The task of our pirate gang- The DSH Robbers, is on a mission to attack the Barque full of jewels. The ship is coming back from the island- the Jewel stuff through the West Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden. We are on a mission "Silly Putty" 


Our preparation was done. We had reached west Indian Ocean region. We were following the ship. Just in an hour we were going to attack the ship. Our cable was ready. The ship was turning. We had put our other end of the cable inside the barque. Secretly, we crept in the ship. We started searching for the prestigious jewels.. One of the crew member saw us.. We killed him.. We found the jewels and were escaping.. Meanwhile.. a swash buckler from the opposition ship saw us and had cut the cable. Fortunately, three of our DSH robbers safefully reached our ship but we lost our other members and lot of treasure. Then we moved towards our island by destroying the opposition ship from bullets.


We brought with us precious gems like lapez lazuli, onyx, jasper, topaz, etc. Unfortunately, most of them were drowned in the sea.. Some stones were with us. we sold it and earned a lot of money.


Our plan was not successful. Partially, our mission succeeded. We lost our dear ones but we are bold enough.
