Save the Planet


Science 101


Our planet earth is sick. Pollution, abusive energy consumption, and deforestation are all issues that are increasing the temperature of earth each day. Living things are suffering; animals, humans, and the environment around us. We will continue to suffer if we do not take action now. We have the opportunity to save the planet- We must do it!


In groups of 2, imagine you are a member of an ecological organization. In order to help save our planet, you must find 15 different ways in which you can help recycle, reduce energy consumption, conserve water, etc. Once you have found 15 stategies, you must create a flyer to share your findings and teach others how to save the planet. Invite people to take action and help our planet Earth!


Step 1: Visit this link, listen to the video, and take note of the serveral areas of pollution mentioned:

Step 2: It's time to gather facts! Using the following links to find information, write notes in point-form to remember what to include on your flyer:

Step 3: How "green" are you? Click on this link and follow the instructions to complete an interactive quiz. Remember to be honest!

Step 4: Using your notes from the video and websites you visited, get out a blank sheet of paper and write down your 15 ways to help save earth.


- Use pencil first

- Number your information from 1-15

- Use markers and pencil crayons to add color and make your flyer stand out


This project is out of 20 points:

15 points- colorful, organized flyer with 15 ways to save earth

5 points-  cooperating with your partner, completing each task, and     participating positively in this activity


Why is our environment important? It is the only home we have. It is up to YOU to help treat the environment with care. 

Let's help save earth one step at a time!


( links in process)