Room Make Over Webquest - Belton


The results of the 45th Mathbowl Competition are in...  


You and your 2 partners proved that you were the best at answering the questions and won $3,000.00 to redesign your bedroom and make the room you always dreamt of. But wait, everything you purchase today is discounted, so you will be only paying a "part of the whole".  


Image result for confetti gif



You will be working together to help each other purchase your items, but remember, each group member will be responsible for their own $1,000.  Each of you will have a specific role, but all members of the group must be included in the decision-making process.  Help each other make good choices and have fun!  Happy Shopping!

Webmaster - Your job is to help your teammates navigate the web to find the items they would like to buy.

Banker - Your job is to help your teammates make sure that each member of your team sticks to their budget.

Shopping Consultant - Your job is to help your teammates make sure that they have their 5 items   It is important to remember that any money left over will go into a Savings Account.  Help your teammates make wise choices!

Your final product will include, and an individual report including a Cover Page, a Summary Sheet, an Expense Worksheet, and all calculations.


1  - You will be put into teams of three.

2 - Together you will decide each team member's specific role.

3 - Start shopping!  You can use the resources on found on the bottom of this page. 

4 - Use Your Math Skills!  In order to successfully purchase the items and still have money left for your Savings Account, you will have to keep track of your spending.  You must include a spreadsheet of all the items purchased. It should include: items, cost, and amount of money discounted from the original cost. Use the Expense Worksheet and the Summary Worksheet to help you keep track of your purchases.  You will also need a Calculation Sheet for each item to show all of your mathematical calculations.

5 - Each group member will turn a report which will include all of the following items:

        - Cover Page (computer generated with a proper heading)

        - Individual Summary Worksheet (computer generated)

        - Expense Worksheet (computer generated)

        - 5 Calculation Pages (handwritten showing all work)


Math - Problem Solving : Shopping Spree WebQuest

  • Teacher Name:Mr. Belton 

    Student Name:     ________________________________________







Mathematical Errors

90-100% of the steps and solutions have no mathematical errors.

Almost all (85-89%) of the steps and solutions have no mathematical errors.

Most (75-84%) of the steps and solutions have no mathematical errors.

More than 75% of the steps and solutions have mathematical errors.


All problems are completed.

All but one of the problems are completed.

All but two of the problems are completed.

Several of the problems are not completed.

Working with Others

Student was an engaged partner, listening to suggestions of others and working cooperatively throughout lesson.

Student was an engaged partner but had trouble listening to others and/or working cooperatively.

Student cooperated with others, but needed prompting to stay on-task.

Student did not work effectively with others.

Neatness and Organization

The work is presented in a neat, clear, organized fashion that is easy to read.

The work is presented in a neat and organized fashion that is usually easy to read.

The work is presented in an organized fashion but may be hard to read at times.

The work appears sloppy and unorganized. It is hard to know what information goes together.


Congratulations!  You make a great team!  You have successfully completed your Shopping Spree, and even have some money left for your Savings Account to purchase that game room that your team always wanted!  You were able to use your knowledge of multiplying fractions by whole numbers to determine the amount of money discounted from the original price. 

Image result for money gif


Educator: Maureen Nicholson