Real-World Story Problems


This Webquest is about solving real-world story math problems. In this webquest, you will use addition, subtraction, and use commutative and associative properties. 


What is the associative property and how is it used in addition and subtraction?

What is the commutative property and how is it used in addition and subtraction?


In this lesson, you will be able to add and subtract in real-world problems and use associative and commutative properties with addition and subtraction.


For this webquest, you will:

1. Complete all 5 questions on the first link provided, using addition and subtraction.

1. Jane has 9 balloons. 6 are green and the rest are blue. How many balloons are blue?

2. Sam ate 7 cookies and Jane ate 8 cookies. How many more cookies did Sam eat than Jane?

3. Kyle got 3 new shirts on his birthday. If he already had 5, how many shirts does he have now?

4. You have to share your 8 candies with your sister. How many will each of you get?

5. Licorice are 5 cents. How many licorice can you buy with 10 cents?


2. Next, you will go to this link and complete these 3 questions using the associative property.


1. (7+3) +4___7+(3+4)

2. (31+97) +2___31+(75+2)

3. 8+(6+5)___8+(6+2)


3. Finally, you will use this next link to complete 3 questions using the commutative property.

1. 9+5=5+___

2. 15+___=4+15

3. 31+8=___+___



Students will be evaluated by the answers that are provided on each question.


In conclusion, this webquest shows students how to use the associative and the commutative property for addition as well as subtraction. Students can use real-world problems to use these properties. 

Teacher Page


-Solve real-world/story problems using addition (as a joining action and as a partpart-whole action) and subtraction (as a separation action, finding parts of the whole, and as a comparison) through 20 with unknowns in all positions.

-Solve real-world/story problems that include three whole number addends whose sum is less than or equal to 20.

-Apply Commutative and Associative Properties of Addition to find the sum (through 20) of two or three addends.