Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Journey


Hello there.   You and your classmates will take a journey in which you will learn about photosynthesis and cellular respiration.  You will be working biologists, understanding how plants make food and eat food and how animals take the glucose and convert it to ATP.

You will begin to understand the reactants and products for each process.  You will practice through various types of simulations from explore also known as gizmo.

After you complete the various tasks, you and your fellow biologists will work in groups to create comic strips of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.  You will create superheroes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Your audience may include someone younger than you, someone your age or even older.  In other words, your audience is anyone from age 5-99!

Good luck.


Task 1 Watch photosynthesis video.     Task 2 Take photosynthesis notes as you watch video.

Task 3 Watch cellular respiration video Task 4 Take cellular respiration notes as you watch video.

Task 5 Explore Learning cell energy


Task 6 Explore Learning photosynthesis lab


Task 7 Explore Learning Plants and Snails


Task 8 Please watch Science safety video for review and retake Flinn Science Safety test.


Once you have completed your tasks, you will create a comic strip for photosynthesis and cellular respiration.  In pairs or group of 4, each group must complete and plan out each comic strip.

Task 1 Photosynthesis comic strip project

Assignment:            Based on what we have studied about photosynthesis, create a comic strip story that demonstrates your understanding of this two-stage process.

Photosynthesis - HOW plants get their energy

Photosynthesis is made up of two words, photo and synthesis. Photo means light and synthesis means putting together. Just like the name implies, photosynthesis uses light energy to put food together for the organism. The process occurs in two stages:

Stage 1 (light dependent stage)

Light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll, a green substance found in chloroplasts.

Stage 2: (light independent stage)

Absorbed light energy is used to convert carbon dioxide (from the air) and water (from the soil) into a sugar called glucose. Oxygen is released as a by-product.

Chemical Equation for Photosynthesis:          6CO2 + 6H2O —> C6H12O6 + 6O2.

Carbon Dioxide + Water à Glucose + Oxygen

Comic strip expectations

Your comic strip should explain how plants make their own food using the process of photosynthesis. You must clearly label where phase 1 and phase 2 occur in your comic strip.

You must include the following vocabulary words: photosynthesis, light dependent, light independent (Calvin Cycle), sunlight, energy (ATP), chlorophyll, pigment, chloroplast, stomata, carbon dioxide, water, sugar, glucose, and oxygen. Your comic strip must contain illustrated scenes and dialogue, within comic bubbles, that match your storyline. Your illustrated scenes should be labeled where appropriate. Sorry, no stick figures allowed!  Proper spelling and grammar should be used and all wording should be legible (easy to read).Your comic strip should be neat and colorful. Be creative! Tell your story in a fun comic-style fashion. You should create a comic character to match your story. For example, you could take the role of a plant cell, aparticular type of plant, a leaf, sunlight, a teacher, yourself, or any other fun character thatyou can link to your storyline.

Due Date____________

You can choose your comic strip template.  From these links:


Cellular Respiration Comic Strip Project

Assignment: Based on what we have studied about cellular respiration, create a comic strip story that demonstrates your understanding of this three-stage process.

CELLULAR RESPIRATION - HOW cells get their energy

Cellular respiration is the process of breaking down glucose (sugar) and converting it into energy in the form of Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP). The process occurs in three basic stages:

Stage 1: (glycolysis)

Glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell. During glycolysis, one glucose molecule is split into two molecules of pyruvate. Glycolysis also results in two ATP molecules, and two molecules of another compound, called NADH. NET ATP DURING THIS STAGE: 2

Stage 2: (the Krebs cycle)

The Krebs cycle is a continuous cycle that occurs in the mitochondrial matrix. It begins with Pyruvate being transported into the mitochondria and losing carbon dioxide to form acetyl-CoA (a 2-carbon molecule). The Krebs cycle is the source of the carbon dioxide you exhale! When acetyl-CoA is oxidized to carbon dioxide in the Krebs cycle, chemical energy is released and captured in the form of NADH, FADH2, and ATP. NET ATP DURING THIS STAGE: 2

Stage 3: (electron transport chain)

The last stage of cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria cristae and yields the most ATP (energy). During this step, electron carriers (NADH & FADH2) pass electrons down a protein chain and release energy & water. NET ATP DURING THIS STAGE: UP TO 34

Chemical formula for cellular respiration: C6H12O6 + O2 à CO2 + H2O +ATP

Glucose + Oxygen à Carbon Dioxide + Water + ATP

Comic Strip Expectations

Your comic strip should explain how cells break down sugar and convert it into energy in the form of ATP. You must clearly label where stage 1, 2, and 3 occur in your comic.You must include the following vocabulary words: cellular respiration, glucose, oxygen, water,carbon dioxide, ATP, mitochondria, cytoplasm, glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain, NADH, & FADH2Your comic strip must contain illustrated scenes and dialogue, within comic bubbles, that match your storyline. Your illustrated scenes should be labeled where appropriate. Sorry, no stick figures allowed! Proper spelling and grammar should be used and all wording should be legible (easy to read).

Your comic should be neat and colorful. Be creative! Tell your story in a fun comic-style fashion. You should create a comic character to match your story. For example, you could take the role of a mitochondrion, a superhero ATP molecule, a teacher, a sugar (glucose) compound, or any other fun character that you can link to your storyline.

Due Date: ____________

You can choose your comic strip template.  From these links:

Task 3 :Once you have completed the comic strips, it is time to review and retake the Flinn Safety Test.  Please watch video and next week everyone will take the test.  Remember Safety first in Mrs. Ingram's Science class.

Please review



Grading Rubric for photosynthesis comic strip


Points Possible

Points Earned


Comic explains how

Plants make their own food in a two-stage process called photosynthesis



Illustrated Scenes

Each comic panel has colored, somewhat detailed illustrations that match the scene



Dialogue and Vocabulary

The story includes dialogue, within comic bubbles, that is well matched to the storyline. The comic includes all of the required vocabulary words.



Spelling & Grammar

No spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors are present



Clarity and Neatness

The comic is legible and easy to understand. Labels are included where appropriate




The comic is not purely informational.  The story is told in a comic-style fashion and combines words illustrations to create a fun, but informative, story



Score Total

(out of 50 points possible)






Letter Grade




Grading Rubric for cellular respiration comic strip


Points Possible

Points Earned


Comic explains how cells break down glucose to release energy in a three-stage process called cellular respiration.



Illustrated Scenes

Each comic panel has colored, somewhat detailed illustrations that match the scene



Dialogue and Vocabulary

The story includes dialogue, within comic bubbles, that is well matched to the storyline. The comic includes all of the required vocabulary words.



Spelling & Grammar

No spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors are present



Clarity and Neatness

The comic is legible and easy to understand. Labels are included where appropriate




The comic is not purely informational.  The story is told in a comic-style fashion and combines words illustrations to create a fun, but informative, story



Score Total

(out of 50 points possible)






Letter Grade



 Flinn Science Safety Test to pass all answers must be correct.  If not, you will need to retest.

 Please review Flinn Safety Contract.  Science Laboratory Safety Test English.pdf



Congratulations!  You and your fellow biologists have completed your journey.  Your comic strips of

photosynthesis and cellular respiration will be an inspiration to everyone.  Everyone will have a 

better understanding of how photosynthesis and cellular respiration helps living things stay alive on

planet Earth.

Remember to watch the Flinn Safety Video to prepare for the Safety Test for next week.

Teacher Page

Clarissa Ingram

Palomar High School