Parenting Styles: Which is Best?



Students will be introduced to the three different parenting styles that were introduced in chapter 11, and complete a small research assignment to help them to better understand the different parenting styles. 


Whats the assignment?

You and your team will need to further research your assigned parenting style, and create a poster board presentation that shows the main points of your parenting style. 


Lets do some research!

Pt. 1: Review the section on the different parenting styles from the text book ch. 11 (pg. 329-331)

Pt. 2: Further your research using the web to find more information on your topic

Pt. 3: Create a poster that shows the main points of your parenting style.

Pt. 4: Give a brief presentation of what you learned to the class.


You be the parent!

After completing your research and hearing what the other teams had to say, think about which parenting style you think is best/most effective towards children. 

Also think about what kind of parenting style your parents have/had

We will have a class discussion to talk about the different parenting styles.